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词汇 棒球
例句 Who was the last player to win the Triple Crown in the American League?谁是最近一次在美国棒球联盟中赢得三冠王的运动员?Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy.当迪克还是小孩时就迷上棒球了。He had a baseball and a couple of bats in his sports bag.他的运动包里有一个棒球和几支球棒。He spent many years in the minor leagues before being called up to the major leagues.在参加职业棒球大联盟之前,他曾在小联盟中打过多年的棒球You like baseball, or am I wrong?你喜欢棒球,我说的没错吧?He's a football/baseball phenomenon.他是橄榄球/棒球天才。Football, basketball, and hockey are all team sports.足球、棒球和曲棍球都是团队运动。They clubbed him with a baseball bat.他们用棒球棍打他。He is good at baseball, ditto at golf.他擅长棒球,同样也精于高尔夫球。The two schools were crosstown rivals in baseball.这两所学校是棒球对手,位于城市的两头。Autographed baseballs are on display at the show.球星亲笔签名的棒球在展览会上展出。The coaches felt Stark wasn't ready for major league baseball yet.教练觉得斯塔克尚未准备好在职业棒球大联盟比赛中上场。They earned thousands of dollars on resales of the baseball tickets.他们通过转售棒球票赚了数千美元。The thugs beat him with baseball bats and left him for dead at the side of the road.一帮流氓用棒球棍殴打他,把他扔在路边等死。He is absolutely wild about baseball.他极度热爱棒球She inherited a love of baseball/cooking from her dad.她受她爸爸的影响非常喜欢棒球/烹饪。I am a huge baseball fan.我是个超级棒球球迷。He knew a lot about baseball, and about how to pick great players.他对棒球懂得很多,也知道怎样挑选优秀的选手。He was elected as a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame.他入选了棒球名人堂。They turned the talk away from baseball.他们的话题离开了棒球He saw a great future for himself in baseball.他想象着自己在棒球方面的远大前途。I knew what I could do in the minor leagues, I just wanted a chance to prove myself in the majors.我知道自己在职业棒球小联合会中实力如何,我只是想有个机会能在职业棒球大联盟中证明一下自己。Chadwick suggested that baseball evolved from the English game of rounders.查德威克认为,棒球由英国的圆场棒球游戏发展而来。Baseball was his first love.棒球是他最大的爱好。He fulfilled his childhood wish to become a professional baseball player.他实现了儿时的梦想,成为了一名职业棒球手。Put a baseball in his hand and he's in heaven.给他一个棒球他就会觉得美极了。He is an expert on baseball trivia.他对棒球的冷门知识很了解。He was nuts about baseball.他热衷于棒球We talked idly about magazines and baseball.我们漫不经心地谈论杂志和棒球The baseball rebounded off the wall.棒球从墙上弹了回来。He had all the hallmarks of a great baseball player.他具有优秀棒球手应具备的所有特质。Thousands of people lined Broadway to cheer the Yankees and celebrate their World Series triumph.成千上万的民众排列在百老汇大街两旁向洋基队欢呼,庆祝他们赢得世界职业棒球锦标赛。Baseball is a team sport. 棒球是一项团队运动。He was a minor leaguer before he was drafted into the majors.他被选入职业棒球大联盟前曾是小联盟的球员。He likes baseball but he likes hockey just as much.他喜欢棒球,但同样也喜欢冰球。Baseballs don't carry well in cold weather.在寒冷的天气里,棒球打不远。We always talked baseball around the water cooler.我们闲聊时总是谈论棒球When did you first get really interested in baseball?你最初对棒球真正感兴趣是什么时候?The team's products easily outsell those of other American baseball clubs overseas.棒球队产品的海外销量要远超过美国其他棒球俱乐部。A baseball came crash through the window.一只棒球哗啦一声打破窗子飞了进来。




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