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词汇 phoney
例句 I suddenly realized what a phoney he is.我忽然认识到他是多么虚伪。I left a phoney name but the right telephone number.我留了个假姓名,但电话号码是真的。There is a chance that the phoney war of the past three months will turn into real fighting.过去三个月的假战有可能转化成真正的战斗。They speak the language of phoney magic and pseudo witchcraft.他们说些装神弄鬼的话。I hate to tell you this but you've been had. The antique clock you bought is a phoney.很抱歉我得说你上当了,你买的古董钟是赝品。Not that they were phoney tears: I'm sure kissing me off wasn't easy for him.那并不是假惺惺的眼泪:我确信作出开除我的决定对他来说并不容易。All salespeople seem to have the same phoney smile.所有推销员的微笑似乎都一样,假惺惺的。He looks totally phoney to me.在我看来,他非常虚伪。This cab is a phoney, just used for special purposes.这辆出租车是假的,只用于特殊目的。When I realized what a phoney he was I was devastated.当我知道他是个表里不一的人时,我很震惊。He gave the police a phoney address.他给了警察一个假地址。He'd telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn't believe for a minute.他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。He used a phoney accent.他用了装出来的口音。The immigration service is concerned about a thriving black market in phoney ID cards and working permits.移民局担心黑市伪造身份证和工作许可证的生意越来越畅旺。




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