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词汇 处置
例句 Suppose you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?假如你的彩票中了奖,你会怎么处置那笔彩金?The company has been charged with illegally disposing of hazardous wastes.该公司因为违法处置有害垃圾遭到了起诉。He is guilty and should be treated accordingly.他有罪,应该受到相应的处置He became obsessed in his old age with what to do with his immense wealth.晚年的时候,他满脑子都想着怎样处置他的巨额财富。We turned to an environmentalist nongovernmental organization for advice on responsible waste disposal.我们就如何负责任地进行废物处置的问题向一家非政府环保组织寻求建议。The talks have been snagged for months on how to deal with two new weapons.就如何处置两种新武器问题的谈判已搁浅好几个月了。Solving violent crimes is all in a day's work for these police detectives.处置暴力犯罪是这些警探日常工作的一部分。The government could legislate to deal with such disturbances.政府可立法处置这类骚乱。The evil men should be hounded down and handed over to the people.恶人应当被捉拿归案并交由民众处置They are making free with your property.他们在随意处置你的财产。The government has announced tough new measures to deal with bogus asylum-seekers.政府宣布了严厉的新措施来处置假避难者。They forwarded a list of proposals for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.他们就核废料的安全处置问题提出了一系列建议。The matter came within his discretion.这件事他可以权宜处置Judges often give reduced sentences where there are mitigating circumstances.要是有可从轻处置的情况,法官往往会判较短的刑期。A solicitor advised him as to the disposition of the money.事务律师建议他如何处置这笔钱。The school is clear about its policy on bullying.这所学校对蛮横欺负同学这种行为的处置方法是很明确的。A will is a legal document that is used to dispose of property.遗嘱是用来处置财产的法律文件。A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash.绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。The appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.上诉法官谈到了本案中一些明显可从轻处置的因素。His property remains intestate.他的财产仍无遗嘱加以处置I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.我宁愿把这些钱付给个人,也不愿它们因未作任何处置而自动地归国家所有。His statement on the handling of prisoners is worth quoting in full.他关于如何处置囚犯的那番话应该完整地引用。The sergeant bears down on lazy soldiers.军士严厉处置偷懒的士兵。Human rights groups have blasted the government for its treatment of political prisoners.人权组织强烈谴责政府对政治犯的处置方式。A library is functioning as a temporary hospital to cope with casualties.一个图书馆被用作临时医院,以处置伤亡人员。A will is a legal document that is used in the disposition of property.遗嘱是用来处置财产的法律文件。The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy.皇帝必须意识到我们任由他处置He had been praised effusively for his management during and after the attacks.他在袭击发生期间和袭击过后表现出的处置才能受到了高度赞扬。The waste was not properly disposed of.废物没有得到适当地处置We need new legislation to ensure the safe disposal of nuclear waste.我们需要新的法规来保证核废料的安全处置Under the terms of the trust he receives interest on the money, but he cannot get at the money itself.按照信托协议,他得到那笔钱的利息,但不可处置本金。The property is to be disposed of forthwith.财产必须立即处置




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