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词汇 philosophy
例句 He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge.他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。He is a doctor of philosophy.他是哲学博士。He's a graduate in philosophy.他哲学专业毕业。They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.他们深入询问了她一些有关伦理学和逻辑学的问题。The book tries to mesh philosophy and/with humor.这本书想要把哲学和幽默糅合在一起。There are many relations/connections between linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.语言学、哲学和心理学之间有许多关联。He has no deep thoughts, no real philosophy.他没有深刻的观点,没有真正的哲学思想。When I interviewed Shakira I felt in tune with her philosophy of life.我采访莎基拉时觉得和她的人生哲学很合拍。He does well in subjects like history and philosophy.他在历史和哲学这类课程上成绩不错。It was the most traumatic moment of his adult life, and it permanently affected his political philosophy.这是他成人生活中最痛苦的时刻,这一刻对他的政治哲学思想造成了永久性的影响。The young people were talking philosophy in Clay's study.那几个年轻人在克莱的书房里谈论哲学。Her main cooking philosophy is to use only fresh ingredients.她的烹饪哲学是只使用新鲜食材。They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy.他们就道德哲学问了她几个寻根究底的问题。She discussed the principles on which her philosophy is grounded. 她论述了她的哲学理念所依据的原则。His philosophy was to live and let live.他的处世哲学就是自己活也让别人活。They had little or no acquaintance with philosophy or history.他们在哲学或是历史方面几乎一无所知。The old man swaggered about the house spouting his philosophy of life.那老人在屋子里自鸣得意地踱来踱去,滔滔不绝地大谈他的人生哲学。Your philosophy of life is always to be honest.你的人生哲学是做到永远诚实。Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy.心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。He's America's leading expert on Eastern philosophy.他是美国研究东方哲学的首屈一指的权威。She studied history and philosophy, but she had little interest in either subject.她学过历史和哲学,但对这两门课都没有多少兴趣。The depth of her knowledge of philosophy astonished me.她的哲学知识的渊博使我感到惊奇。Vocational courses are often given more respect and funding than arts or philosophy.职业技术类课程通常能够获得比艺术或哲学类课程更多的重视和资助。Logic is the handmaiden of philosophy.逻辑是为哲学服务的。Greenhorn has done a terrific job in translating Korscak's political philosophy primer into a very playable text.格林霍恩十分了不起,把科斯卡的政治哲学初级读本翻译成了非常适合表演的文本。She believed that her religion needed to be defended by philosophy and logic.她认为她的宗教需要用哲学和逻辑加以维护。These ideas are based on his political philosophy.这些想法基于他的政治理念。René Descartes is regarded as the founder of modern philosophy.勒内•揓卡尔被视为现代哲学的奠基人。She has a degree in philosophy.她有哲学学位。Augustine was later to combine elements of this philosophy with the teachings of Christianity.奥古斯丁后来把这一哲学的基本原理和基督教的教义结合了起来。She majored in philosophy at Harvard.她曾在哈佛大学主修哲学。They chose a name descriptive of the company's philosophy.他们选择了一个体现公司理念的名字。My philosophy has always been to reach for the sky.我的人生哲学向来是要去完成九天揽月之举。The company explained their management philosophy.公司阐述了他们的管理原则。His philosophy stressed the impermanence of the world.他的哲学观点强调了世界无常。The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy.这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。The school has a child-centred philosophy.该学校持有以学生为中心的宗旨。My philosophy is to look at the positive.我的处世哲学是看积极的一面。He pretends that he has studied philosophy.他声称他学过哲学。Raymond Blanc, star of nouvelle cuisine, tells Paul Bailey about the philosophy behind his cooking.新式烹饪大师雷蒙德‧布兰克给保罗‧贝利讲述自己的烹饪哲学。




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