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词汇 hurtled
例句 He hurtled the ball past Ronaldo.他用力把球掷过了罗纳尔多。The shot hurtled through the air.子弹在空中飞过。Bob hurtled down the stairs.鲍勃从楼梯上冲下来。The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net.球飞进了球网的远角。Boulders hurtled down the hill.岩石坠下山崖。Her son hurtled down the drive as fast as his little legs could carry him.她儿子在路上迈开小腿使劲跑。The express train hurtled past.特别快车轰隆轰隆地疾驶而过。We kept to the side of the road as cars and trucks hurtled past us.汽车和卡车从我们身旁飞驰而过时,我们贴着路边行走。He hurtled down the mountainside.他飞奔下山坡。The bird hurtled into the waves and emerged with a silvery fish.那只鸟猛地扎进波涛中,然后衔着一条银白色的鱼浮上水面。The car hurtled past us.汽车从我们身旁疾驰而过。The plane hurtled along the runway.飞机沿着跑道疾驰。He hurtled himself into the crowd.他冲进了人群。The car hurtled past, scraping the wall.那辆车疾驰而过,剐到了墙壁。They hurtled across the line in a flat-out sprint.他们拼命冲刺,越过终点线。The jet hurtled itself up into the sky.喷气机直冲云霄。The noise of the battle hurtled in the air.厮杀声响彻云霄。The dog hurtled through the garden, leaving a trail of crushed plants.那只狗飞奔着穿过花园,使花草倒了一路。A violent impact hurtled her forward.一股强大的冲击波将她向前抛去。The car hurtled past us, scraping the wall and screeching to a halt.汽车从我们身边疾驰而过,蹭到墙壁上然后戛然刹住。The burning airplane hurtled earthward.燃烧着的飞机向地面直冲下来。The racing car hurtled against the metal fence.赛车猛地撞上了金属围栏。As he spoke, he stepped on the gas and the car hurtled along at a high speed.他边说边踩油门,汽车飞驰而去。The cars and trucks hurtled by without slowing.汽车和卡车疾驰而过,没有减速。The protesters hurtled bottles at the police.抗议者向警察扔瓶子。That unidentified flying object just hurtled across the sky. We cannot make out what it was.那个不明飞行物体在空中快速移动,我们看不清它是什么。




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