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He spends all his time philosophizing and never does any work.他把时间全部花在空谈哲理上,从不干一点实事。The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing.这本书的问题在于它有时陷入了自命不凡的高谈阔论。The General was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to more urgent problems.那位将军急于打断那些高谈阔论,着手解决更加紧急的问题。To him art is a form of visual philosophizing.在他看来艺术是一种形象化的哲理。She was philosophizing on the meaning of life.她当时在大谈生命的意义。We had to listen to him philosophizing about art again.我们又得听他对艺术高谈阔论了。 |