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词汇 phase
例句 Most kids will go through a phase of being faddy about what they eat.多数孩子都会经历挑食的阶段。The initial phase of the project should take about three months.该工程的最初阶段要耗时三个月。The co-op is still in the start-up phase.合作社仍处于起步阶段。We have reached a critical phase of the experiment.我们这项实验已经到了关键阶段。They were entering upon a new phase in human culture, the Neolithic phase (New Stone Age).他们正进人人类文化的一个新阶段,即新石器时代。Friction stir welding is a novel solid-phase joining technique.搅拌摩擦焊是一种新型的固态连接技术。Negotiations have entered a critical phase.谈判已经进入了关键阶段。Their son went through a phase of being aggressive at school.他们的儿子曾有一段时期在学校表现得非常好斗。Society has entered a technological phase of evolution.社会已进入技术革新阶段。Nizan's views were out of phase with the political climate of the time.尼藏的观点和当时的政治气候不符。The two governments are in phase with each other.两国政府步调一致。Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.后女权主义实际上并不存在,因为我们仍处在前女权主义阶段。I tried to reassure Billy's mother that it was a passing phase, but I don't think I succeeded.我试图安慰比利的母亲,说这只是暂时的,但是我想我没有成功。The process is still in its testing phase.该工艺仍处于测试阶段。When this happens, society enters a dangerous phase.这种情况发生时,社会便进入一个危险时期。He's in the final phase of treatment now.他现在处于治疗的最后阶段。Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.幸运的是,她的病在早期就被发现了。These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.这些指控是在谈判进行到关键阶段提出的。The first phase of economic reform was popular in Vietnam.越南经济改革的第一阶段深得人心。The new system is in its shakedown phase.这个新的系统正处于最后测试阶段。That was during the band's plangent, mournful phase.那是乐队处境凄惨时发生的事。She's going through a punk phase right now. 她这阵子正迷恋朋克摇滚乐。In an attempt to reduce opposition to its tax reforms, the government plans to phase them in gradually.为了缓解人们对这次税务改革的反对,政府打算分阶段逐步实施。Make sure the machine's wheels are moving in phase with each other.要确保机器的轮子同步运转。The Skills Programme is out of phase with the rest of the curriculum.技能课程与其他课程不协调。He proposed that only those countries that were willing and able should opt into phase three.他建议只有那些有意愿、有能力的国家才可以参与第三阶段。During the first phase of expansion staff will move to the new offices.在扩建的第一阶段,员工将搬到新的办公室去。It's just a phase he's going through.那只是他正经历的一个阶段。This is but one phase of the subject.这仅是问题的一个方面。The bill included a gradual phase-out of estate tax.该法案包括逐步淘汰遗产税。He has been throwing tantrums a lot, but the doctor says it's just a phase.他最近一直乱发脾气,但医生说这只是暂时的。The law will phase tax cuts in over a period of two years.这部法律将在两年内逐步引入减税条款。The sculpture offers a clue as to how Picasso's last phase must be interpreted.这具雕塑为毕加索生命的最后阶段应该如何解读提供了线索。Delayed sleep phase pattern can cause problems with schooling and work.睡眠相位延迟的情况可能给工作学习带来一些问题。The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase.选举活动现在已进入了最后的决定性阶段。We've entered a new phase in our relationship.我们的关系进入了一个新阶段。The first phase of the operation was completed without a hitch.手术的第一阶段非常顺利地完成了。The electrical work will be carried out in phase with the other renovations.电工部分将与其他翻修工作同步进行。The war was about to enter its final phase.战争即将进入最后阶段。The project is only in its initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising.该项目前才刚起步,但看起来很有前途。




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