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词汇 permit
例句 The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that.他的职业道德不容许他那样做。His health doesn't permit him to travel.他的健康状况不允许他外出旅行。He can let the court's decision stand and permit the execution.他有权维持法庭判决,批准死刑生效。Judges cannot permit irregularity in carrying out justice.法官不允许在执法时不统一。I don't think they would permit this.我想他们不会准许这事。We accept permit applications year-round.我们全年接受办理许可证的申请。I permit, nay, encourage it.这事我同意,不,我鼓励。All vehicles carrying freight need a special permit.所有运货车辆都要有专门执照。He brought his permit forth and showed it to the policeman.他取出执照给警察看。He has to apply for a permit and we have to find him a job.他得申请一个许可证,而我们得给他找份工作。Do you need a permit to photograph on the Acropolis?在雅典卫城上拍照需要许可证吗? A permit is available on application to the company.向公司申请就可得到许可证。The Chancellor is looking to lower interest rates, when economic conditions permit.经济条件允许时,财政大臣准备降低利率。I would like to go into this argument in some detail, but time does not permit it.我想把理由讲详细点,但时间不允许。He has to apply for a permit, and we have to find him a job.他必须要申请工作许可证,我们得给他找份工作。The university does not permit distribution of leaflets on campus.这所大学不允许在校园内发放传单。Her mother will not permit her to sell the house.她母亲不会准许她卖掉房子。I shall not permit your interference to bungle up my plans for exacting revenge.我不会允许你的干预来搞砸我复仇的计划。I permit myself pork once a week.我规定自己一星期只吃一次肉。The government would not permit an insurrection against its authority.政府不容许对其权力有任何反抗。The cost of a residents' parking permit is due to rise.居民停车证的费用会上升。The bill was designed to permit new fathers to take time off work.该议案旨在允许初为人父者休假。His health had improved enough to permit him a beer or two before dinner.他身体好多了,餐前喝一两杯啤酒没问题。She had her residence permit taken away, without any justification她的居留证在没有正当理由的情况下被没收了。The results of the test permit of no other interpretation.测试结果不可能有其他的解释。Her parents will not permit them to marry.她的父母不会同意他们结婚的。A special sailing permit was required because she was not insured.由于这艘船未投保,因此需要专门的航行许可证。After you get your learner's permit, I'll let you drive my car.你拿到学员驾照后,我会让你开我的车。I will write another novel if my eyes permit.如果我的视力许可,我还要再写一本小说。Most countries do not permit unrestricted immigration.大部分国家都不允许不加限制的移民进入。He got a fishing/work permit.他得到了捕鱼/工作证。You can't park here unless you have a permit.你如果没有许可证,不可在此停车。We will permit the imagination free scope to encourage talented artists.我们将允许想象的自由发挥以鼓励天才艺术家。How can a loving, omnipotent God permit disease, war and suffering?慈爱、万能的主怎么会允许疾病、战争和苦难的存在?Now that the permit has been approved, we expect to have clear sailing from here on. 既然许可证已获批准,我们就期待接下来一帆风顺。They refused to grant him a travel permit to go to Oslo.他们拒绝给他去奥斯陆的旅行签证。There's so much red tape involved in getting a work permit.取得工作许可证必须办理许多烦琐的手续。From now on, homeowners will have to get a city permit if they want to build an addition onto their homes.自即日起,房主如要扩建房屋,须得到市政府发出的许可证。The archaic laws still permit children to be caned at school.古老的法律仍允许学校里杖笞学童。The state does not permit write-in votes.该州不允许投票给非推荐候选人。




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