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例句 The orchestra performs its final concert of the season tomorrow.管弦乐队明天演出本季最后一场音乐会。She performs just as well as he does.她表现得和他一样好。He becomes public enemy number one whenever the national team performs miserably.每当国家队表现糟糕的时候,他便成了头号罪人。The payoff for years of research is a microscope that` performs better than all of its competitors.多年研究所得的成果是一架性能超过所有竞争对手的显微镜。She performs at the club nightly.她每晚都在这家会所表演。He performs riding stunts in the circus.他在马戏团表演骑马绝技。He performs sleight of hand with cards and books of matches.他用纸牌和几板火柴展示自己的快速手法。The business, if properly regulated, performs a useful service for lottery winners.这个行业如果管理得当,可以为彩票赢家提供有用的服务。Nowadays she performs only on very special occasions.如今她只在非常特殊的场合才会表演。She composes and performs her own music.她自己创作音乐自己演奏。If she performs this well in the championships, her rivals will have to look to their laurels.如果她在锦标赛上表现也能如此出色,那么她的对手们将不得不努力拼搏以保持自己的荣誉。He is the kind of musician who always performs best in front of a live audience.他是那种总能在现场观众面前发挥最高水平的音乐家。He performs magic tricks for entertainment.他变魔术是为了消遣。The equipment performs unreliably.这套设备运行不稳定。Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team performs a Maori war dance.橄榄球比赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。The computer performs this operation many times every day.计算机每天要多次执行这项操作。He performs his duties very ably.他做起工作来得心应手。He performs charitable work to help the poor.他做慈善工作帮助穷人。She performs with the sureness of a veteran actress.作为一名资深演员,她的表演胸有成竹。The male performs a magnificent courtship display.雄性展示了出色的求偶炫耀行为。Normally he performs his devotions twice a day.他一般每天祷告两次。This team's fate depends on how it performs today.该队的命运取决于它今天在比赛中的表现。One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.一名学生做实验,他的搭档则进行观察。It is very important that you choose a pension fund which performs well.选择一种表现良好的养老保险基金是很重要的。Every summer, our history club performs mock battles to relive our country's greatest war.每年夏天,我们历史俱乐部都进行模拟战,以重新体验我国最伟大的战争。On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student.在教育投资方面,日本花在每位学生身上的钱最少,但却做得最好。He performs the trick with the daring of a stuntman.他以特技替身演员所具有的胆量表演特技。The theater is always packed when he performs there.他演出时剧场总是被挤得水泄不通。




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