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I like her novels - she's so perceptive about people's relationships.我喜欢她的小说,她非常善于观察人与人之间的关系。He was one of the most perceptive US political commentators.他是美国最具洞察力的政治评论家之一。He's very perceptive about people.他看人很有洞察力。Children can be amazingly perceptive about adults' moods.孩子们如此善于察觉大人的情绪,真是令人称奇。His comment was trenchant and perceptive.他的评论一针见血,鞭辟入里。He was one of the most perceptive political commentators.他是最具洞察力的政治评论家之一。He is a very perceptive young man.他是一个富有洞察力的年轻人。It's a delightfully witty and perceptive description.这是一种令人愉快、巧妙而又富有洞察力的描述。Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human condition.她书里有很多对人类现状的深入洞见。He was a perceptive and sophisticated man who was sensitive to other people's weaknesses.他洞察力强,老于世故,善于体察别人的弱点。 |