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例句 Dr Chalmers is trying to find out how many people may have contracted the disease in her area.查默斯医生试图了解在她负责的地区有多少人可能染上该病。The problem lies not with other people but within yourself. 问题出在你自己身上,不是别人造成的。They killed people unsympathetic to the revolution.他们杀害了不赞成革命的人士。Align yourself with people who think the glass is half full.和那些看事情更会看到好的一面的人保持一致。The government claim that people are better off now than they have ever been.政府称现在人民比以前任何时候都富裕。She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell.她对待他人很不友好,并且还吝啬得要命。Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with Christian morality.大多数人认为他们是依照基督教的道德体系来处理自己的私生活和公共事务的。He called the young people shiftless, lazy and good-for-nothing.他说这些年轻人胸无大志,懒惰又无用。Deliberately making people suffer is immoral.故意使人吃苦头是不道德的。I'm very bad at remembering people's names.我很不擅长记住别人的名字。This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby.该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的失业青年。Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for the opening ceremony in the workers' stadium.数万人一直在工人体育馆为开幕式进行排练。Smiling at people was Debra's way of spreading a little happiness.对人微笑是黛布拉传递一丝快乐的方法。Without more food and medical supplies, these people will surely not survive.如果没有更多的食品和医疗物资,这些人肯定活不下去。Many people felt they were being shortchanged by the policy. = Many people felt shortchanged by the policy.许多人觉得他们被政策欺骗了。The queen was loved by her people.女王深受她的子民爱戴。He had presided over a brutal regime in which thousands of people had "disappeared".在他残暴的统治下,成千上万的人“失踪”了。The people revolted against the dictator.人民造独裁者的反。As long as people keep buying these products, the company will keep turning them out.只要一直有人买这些产品,公司就会一直大量生产。The people of Hatfield went into shock as they learned their town had been dealt a death blow.哈特菲尔德的人们得知他们的镇子遭遇灾难性事故的消息后都深感震惊。Food, clothes, and money were channeled through churches to the poor people of the、衣物和钱款通过教会组织送到了这个村子的穷人手中。For people living alone, Christmas is often the worst time of the year.对于独居者来说,圣诞节常常是一年中最难熬的日子。He was one of those people who are instantly popular.他属于那种一见面就让人喜欢的人。The proportion of people who own their own homes is slowly increasing.有房一族的比例正在缓慢上升。The project is designed to provide young people with work.该计划旨在为年轻人提供工作。The old town square was crowded with people.古老的小镇广场上挤满了人。Where are your people from?你的家人都来自哪儿?The way they treat people makes my blood boil.他们这样待人令我非常气愤。I thought the older people would be more offended than the young people, but it was the other way round.我以为那位老人会比年轻人更加生气,结果情况恰恰相反。A lot of people misinterpreted what I was saying, and have called me a racist.很多人误解了我的话,称我为种族主义者。I just think people are feeling out the market.我只是觉得大家都是在试探市场。Get some advice from the people in the tourist office.向旅行社的人征求一点建议吧。Witnesses reported seeing three people flee the scene.目击者称看到有三个人逃离现场。For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.对多数人来说,心脏病发作会强烈地提醒他们终有一天自己会死去。He has the bad habit of interrupting people.他有打断别人说话的坏习惯。Some people complained of racial discrimination in the way housing was allocated.有些人投诉在分配住宅的方式上有种族歧视。Many people claim that the word has lost its usefulness.许多人声称这个词已经用不上了。Only the people who were nearest to the speaker could actually hear what he said.只有离演讲者最近的那些人才能够听到他的话。It's a tragedy that these young people were struck down in their prime.这些年轻人英年早逝真是令人痛心。Many people think that children learn language by imitation.很多人认为儿童通过模仿学语言。




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