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词汇 penny
例句 His grandparents were humourless and penny-pinching.他的祖父母既缺乏幽默又十分小气。The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny.布里连顿一家按时交租金,分文也不欠他的。Each clubs his penny toward the purchase.为买这件东西每个人凑了一个小钱。The government has decided to coin more 50-penny coins.政府决定铸造更多的五十便士硬币。They didn't charge me a penny. 他们没有收我一分钱。It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny.毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。Nobody will bet one penny that they will succeed.谁也不会花一个子儿打赌说他们会成功。We'll screw every last penny out of him.我们要逼他交出所有钱。My dad would give you his last penny.我爸爸会把他最后一文钱都给你的。I'd spent all I had, every last penny.我把钱全部花光,一分不剩。Forbidding private phone calls in the office cannot really reduce the company's expenses; it's just being penny wise and pound foolish.禁止在办公室打私人电话其实不能减少多少开支;反而是因小失大。Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。Going to college was worth every penny.上大学花的每一分钱都值得。Her father cut her off without a penny.她父亲完全剥夺了她的继承权。The directors of this company feel he's worth every penny.这家公司的主管们觉得他配得上那么高的薪水。It won't cost you a penny for the first six months.开始的六个月你不用花一分钱。It finally transpired that she had not a single penny in her pocket.最后得知她的口袋里连一个便士也没有。He has calculated the costs down to the last penny.他把每一便士的费用都计算在内了。She is a penny-pinching skinflint.她是个一毛不拔的吝啬鬼。We could probably sell them for a pretty penny.我们说不定能把这些东西卖个好价钱呢。Gregory is filthy rich but he never gives a penny to charity.格雷戈里钱多得发臭,可他对慈善机构从来不捐一分钱。At the moment he doesn't have a penny to his name.他现在身无分文。She knows how much she spends, to the penny.她知道她花多少钱,分毫不差。Buying a home can cost a pretty penny.买一套房子要花很多钱。I wouldn't take a penny of your rotten money!我不会拿你一分臭钱!My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.我父亲是个吝啬的老头,花在我们身上的每一分钱他都很不情愿。I paid a pretty penny for that picture.我花了一大笔钱买那幅画。Our vacation was expensive, but it was worth every penny. 我们度假的费用很高,但物有所值。His faithful servant was turned off without a penny.他分文不给地辞掉了他忠实的仆人。He was proposing some penny-ante increase.他提议略微增加一些。It's not worth a penny.那一文不值。That will cost a pretty penny. 那得花一大笔钱。He takes every penny and puts it in the sock.他每一个小钱都要,而且把一个一个子儿都放进储蓄罐里。I wouldn't give a penny for that old bike!我不会为那辆旧自行车花一分钱!Small houses are very expensive there, but in Ireland they are two a penny.小住宅在那里价钱昂贵,而在爱尔兰却相当便宜。Hi! Tom. A penny for your thoughts!喂!汤姆,你在想什么? I scrimped and saved every penny I could find.我把自己的每一个便士都掰成两半花。The directors of this company feel he's worth every penny.这家公司的主管们觉得他值得栽培。Rings like these are ten a penny.这样的戒指根本不值钱。False friends are ten a penny.虚情假意的朋友多得遍地都是。




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