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词汇 penetrated
例句 The sunlight barely penetrated the inner room.阳光几乎照不到里面的房间。The plane penetrated at the first floor.飞机撞入二楼。The whole area was penetrated with terror.整个地区弥漫著恐怖的气氛。The foul odour penetrated the entire house.臭味漫入整座屋子。It is not yet known how deeply the radiation has penetrated into the soil.现在还不知道辐射渗入土壤有多深。The sensors measure how far the bomb has penetrated through a bunker.传感器测量出炸弹穿透掩体有多深。The organization had been penetrated by a spy.该组织渗入了一名间谍。Noise penetrated the room despite the efforts to soundproof it.尽管有隔音设备,噪音还是传进了房间里。The aroma of fresh bread penetrated the whole house.满屋子散发著新鲜面包的香味。A cold wind, knifing through downtown streets, penetrated the thin coat she had on.寒风刮过市区街道,穿透她身上单薄的外衣。The truth had not yet penetrated my consciousness. 我当时还不了解真相。The mist penetrated into the room.雾气渗进了室内。The truth had not yet penetrated.真相尚未大白。The bustle penetrated my sleep.喧闹声扰了我的睡眠。She had a wig on, but we soon penetrated her disguise.她戴了一顶假发,但是我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。The whole country is penetrated with discontent.全国到处怨声载道。The daylight penetrated to the far corners of the room.阳光透进房间,连远处的角落都能照到。Celeste's voice penetrated the silence.塞莱斯特的声音打破了沉寂。I have never penetrated a woman in my life.我一生从未与女人做过爱。The dust had penetrated to all corners of the room.灰尘落满了房间的每个角落。KGB agents had penetrated most of their intelligence services.克格勃特工人员已渗透到他们的大部分情报部门中。They had penetrated deep into enemy territory.他们已经深入敌人的领地。These so-called secret societies were easily penetrated by intelligence agents.这些所谓的秘密社团很容易就被情报人员渗透进去了。The shots penetrated/pierced the tank's armor.枪弹射穿了坦克的装甲。This was the territory of enemies, penetrated only for the purposes of trade and war.这是敌人的领土,只有在进行贸易或发动战争时才能进入。The sun penetrated the thick foliage.阳光透过茂密的树叶。The news penetrated to all the distant country places.消息传到了遥远的乡村。The news slowly penetrated his consciousness.他慢慢得知了这个消息。The explorers penetrated far into the jungle.那些探险者进入了丛林的深处。The knife penetrated his stomach.刀子刺进他的胃部。The heat penetrated through the wall.热量穿过了墙体。A piece of glass had penetrated the skin.一片玻璃扎进了皮肤。Through the murk the dull red sun slowly penetrated.一轮黯淡的红日渐渐穿过黑暗。These ideas had penetrated deep into my mind.这些观念已经深入到我的思想中。He threw a grenade that penetrated the wall of the building and exploded inside.他扔的那颗手榴弹穿过大楼的墙壁,在楼内发生了爆炸。The rain had penetrated through his clothes.雨水湿透了他的衣服。Explorers penetrated deep into unknown regions.探险者深入到了未知的地区。The nail penetrated the wood at least two inches.钉子钉进木头至少有两英寸。She had never penetrated into high society.她从来不曾挤入上流社会。The organization was penetrated and the survivors fled.该组织遭到渗透,幸存者已逃逸了。




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