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词汇 pencils
例句 Please stop writing and lay down your pencils.请不要再写了,放下你们手中的铅笔。Now, do we all have notebooks and pencils?好了,我们都有笔记本和铅笔了吗?By the window stood a large collapsible table with drawings and pencils all over it.窗边立着一张折叠式大桌子,桌面上放满了图画和铅笔。The only sound in the room during the test was the scratch of pencils on paper.考试时房间里唯一的声音就是铅笔在纸上的沙沙声。Your pencils need to be sharpened.你的铅笔应该削削了。Reporters surrounded him with notebooks and pencils at the ready.记者们围着他,并拿起笔记本和铅笔作好记录的准备。The children need new pens and pencils and things like that.孩子们需要新钢笔和新铅笔,以及那一类的东西。Please bring pens, pencils, rulers etc to the exam.考试时请带好钢笔、铅笔、尺等。Kids had been jabbing him with pencils.孩子们一直在用铅笔戳他。He is always thieving my pencils.他老是偷我的铅笔。Put your pencils down. Time is up. 把笔放下,时间到了。He neatly sharpened pencils.他利索地将铅笔一支支削尖。Students must have their own pencils. Borrowing is not allowed.学生必须自备铅笔,不得借用。The pencils come ten to a box. 每盒有十支铅笔。The teacher told the children to stop clacking their pencils.老师叫孩子们别哒哒地敲铅笔。They indented on the company for new pencils.他们向这家公司订购新型铅笔。This is where they will sharpen their pencils.他们将从这里着手去做。They pause and chew their pencils.他们停了下来,咬着铅笔。Pens, pencils, markers, and suchlike are in this drawer.钢笔、铅笔、记号笔和诸如此类的文具在这个抽屉里。Are these pencils yours or mine?这些铅笔是你的还是我的? Throwing pencils is not allowed because someone's eye could get poked out.不能扔铅笔,免得戳到人的眼睛。The pencils fit neatly into this box.铅笔放进这个盒子正合适。Pens and pencils poked out over the top of his coat pocket.钢笔和铅笔从他上衣口袋上面戳了出来。Pens, pencils, markers, and such are in this drawer.抽屉里有钢笔、铅笔、记号笔等诸如此类的文具。Javier takes a sketchbook and a box of coloured pencils from his satchel.哈维尔从书包里拿出一本素描簿和一盒彩色铅笔。Make sure your pencils are sharp before we begin the test.我们开始测验前,你们一定要把铅笔削尖。




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