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词汇 reel
例句 The rod bent double, the reel shrieked and ratcheted.操作杆进一步弯曲,线轴发出刺耳的吱吱声。The outtakes reel with bloopers was one of the funniest things I've seen in years.被剪搞笑花絮是我这几年里看到的最滑稽的东西。The unedited film was aired, complete with clapperboards at the start of each reel.这部影片未经剪辑就上映了,连每盘胶片开头场记板的镜头都没剪掉。He could reel off the dates of the kings of England.他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。There's an exciting chase scene in the movie's second reel.影片第二盘胶片里有一个颇为精彩的追逐场面。The whole works, rod, reel, tackle box, went overboard.全套鱼具,包括钓竿、绕线轮、鱼具箱等,都从船上掉入水中。The fishing line was hopelessly snarled on the reel.钓丝缠到绕线轮上,乱得理不出来。It took almost an hour to reel the fish in.花了将近一个小时来收绕钓线,把鱼钓了上来。He could reel off the names of all the capitals of Europe.他能一口气说出欧洲各国首都的名字。She took up some scissors and a reel of white string.她拿起几把剪刀和一轴白线。A reel is in four-four time, and a jig is in six-eight time.里尔舞曲是四四拍,吉格舞曲是六八拍。I shall not reveal the movie's final reel.我不会透露该片的结局。He gave me the information I asked for straight off the reel.他滔滔不绝地向我介绍我所询问的情况。The machine winds the tape from one reel to the other.机器把磁带从一个卷轴绕到另一个卷轴上。




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