例句 |
The British ten-pence coin has a lion on the reverse.英国十便士硬币背面的图案是一头狮子。It costs sixty pence.它的价格是六十便士。The medicine costs just a few pence to produce.这种药造价只需几便士。A local call only costs a few pence.市内电话只要花费几分钱。We have just enough money to buy it, with 11 pence to spare.我们刚好有足够的钱买它,还剩下十一便士。The Chancellor said he would cut income tax by 2 pence in the pound.财政大臣说他要按每英镑减低两便士的比率削减所得税。It costs eighty pence.它的价格是八十便士。 |