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词汇 pegged
例句 Argentina's currency was pegged to the dollar.阿根廷的货币与美元挂钩。Bermuda's dollar now is pegged to the American dollar.百慕大元的汇价现与美元挂钩。He pegged along the path.他沿著小路急奔。Is the tent pegged down all the way?帐篷用桩完全固定好了吗?We pegged him as a man of action.我们认定他是个实干家。They were pegged back by an equaliser from Jameson.詹姆森把比分扳平,遏制了他们的势头。The salesman had me pegged in a matter of minutes.没几分钟,那位推销员就摸清了我属于哪一类顾客。He pegged the ball to first base.他把球投向一垒。The tent was pegged to the ground.帐篷用桩固定在地上。They have pegged the tent down.他们已把帐篷用木桩固定住了。I nipped round the corner for a quick beer and nearly pegged out on the spot.我匆匆转过街角去痛快地喝杯啤酒,差点儿当场累趴下。As some of you may be aware my old man pegged out this year.你们中的一些人可能知道,我父亲今年去世了。She pegged wet clothes on the line.她用衣夹将湿衣服夹在晒衣绳上。All the beams were pegged.所有的横梁都用钉子固定上了。Mother came out and pegged wet clothes on the line.妈妈走出来,把湿衣服用衣夹夹在绳子上。I hate being pegged down like that.我讨厌像那样受约束。He pegged away at the work throughout the night.她孜孜不倦地做了一个通宵。He pegged the peso to the dollar, abolished exchange controls.他将比索和美元挂钩,废除了外汇管制。The surveyor pegged out the plot of land.测量员们用木桩标出了那块地。She pegged him right away as a nice guy.她随即认定他是个好人。The spy doesn't know we have him pegged.那间谍不知道我们已把他识破了。The tent flap was pegged open.帐篷的门帘被掀开固定住。The poor horse pegged out somewhere around Bruges and I had to shoot him.那匹可怜的马在布鲁日附近累瘫了,我不得不开枪射死了它。Some countries suggested that the price of oil be pegged down.一些国家建议应该限定石油价格。I did try a marathon once, but I pegged out half way through.我曾试着跑过一次马拉松,但是跑了半程就体力不支了。The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.有关警察局长的这篇特写是依据那几场暴乱写成的。Mattingly pegged the ball to Stanley.马丁利把球投向了斯坦利。Its currency is pegged to the dollar.其货币与美元挂钩。He pegged the boards.他用钉子钉住木板。She had him pegged for a liar.她认定他是个骗子。The foreign currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar. 这种外币与美元挂钩。His bonus is pegged to how many sales he makes each year for the company.他的奖金与他每年为公司完成的销售量挂钩。




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