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词汇 peek at
例句 Brooke couldn't help but sneak a peek at him.布鲁克忍不住偷偷地看了他一下。She took a sneak peek at the birthday presents hidden in the closet.她偷看了藏在壁橱里的生日礼物。I took a peek at the list.我很快看了一眼名单。Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.不到圣诞节前夜不许偷看你们的礼物。If I'm passing by I might take a peek at the new premises.如果我路过那个新的场地的话,可能会去看上一眼。The little girl peeked at me from behind her grandmother's skirt.小女孩从她祖母的裙子后面偷偷地看着我。American firms have been paying outrageous fees for a peek at the technical data.美国公司为了一窥这些技术数据一直在支付巨额费用。Go ahead and take a peek at your presents.去吧,去瞄一眼给你的礼物。She peeked at him through a crack in the wall.她透过墙上的裂缝偷窥他。They tried to sneak a peek at the actors getting ready behind the curtain.他们试图偷瞧一眼帷幕后正准备上场的演员。Can I sneak a peek at your quiz answers?我能瞄一眼你的测验答案吗?He allowed some of his friends to peek at his next painting.他允许几个朋友提前看一眼他的下一幅画作。But go and have a peek at him while I make us some tea.我给咱们沏茶,你过去看他一眼。She admitted taking a peek at him in the shower.她承认在他冲澡时偷看他了。She peeked at the clock to see the time.她偷看了一下时钟上的时间。On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall.她曾两次透过墙缝窥视他。Take another peek at the cake in the oven to see if it's done.再去看一眼烤箱里的蛋糕烤好了没有。There's always the temptation to take a sneaky peek at the presents under the Christmas tree.去悄悄地偷看一眼放在圣诞树下的礼物是件诱人的事。The company is offering a sneak peek at the new software.该公司正在提供新软件的预用机会。She must have noticed me sneaking peeks at my watch.她肯定注意到我偷偷看手表了。Wicky peeked at John's flashlight.威奇向约翰的手电筒瞥了一眼。




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