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词汇 pedigree
例句 Hereford cattle have a long pedigree.赫里福德牛有悠久的纯种系谱。Hammer's business pedigree almost guaranteed him the acquaintance of U.S. presidents.哈默的商业背景几乎保证了他能够结识美国总统。Democracy is an idea with a pedigree stretching back to ancient Greece.民主思想的渊源可以追溯到古希腊。The company has an excellent pedigree with over a century in the business.这家公司在商界有一百多年声名显赫的历史。What is the dog's pedigree?这只狗是什么血统?His voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree.他的发音和举止表明他出身贵族。The breeder showed us the dog's pedigree.饲养员给我们看了这条狗的纯种系谱。Spiritual healing has an ancient pedigree, with much evidence of success.精神治疗历史悠久,有很多成功的证据。That horse has an impressive pedigree.那匹马血统高贵。Isolationism has a long and respectable pedigree in American history.孤立主义在美国历史上由来已久并受到推崇。These ideas have a long and distinguished intellectual pedigree.这些思想有一个悠久且著名的知识谱系。Effie had an impressive pedigree. Her great-grandfather was the Earl of Pemberton.埃菲血统非常高贵。她的曾祖父是彭伯顿伯爵。The law firm's pedigree is impeccable.该律师事务所过去的业绩无可挑剔。Their dog is a pedigree.他们的狗是纯种的。This is a pedigree poodle - her bloodline is pure.这是一条纯种的鬈毛小母狗——是纯种的。She had an impeccable aristocratic pedigree.她有纯正的贵族血统。Her husband has a noble/aristocratic pedigree. 她的丈夫拥有贵族血统。The champions really showed their pedigree today.今天的冠军确实展现了其纯种系谱。Like any other commodity, pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act.像其他商品一样,纯种狗买卖受《货物买卖法》的约束。You have to pay good money for a pedigree dog.买条纯种狗可得花上一大笔钱。She wants to go to a school with pedigree. 她想上一所历史悠久的名校。




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