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词汇 peddled
例句 Street vendors peddled flowers and candles.街头小贩兜售鲜花和蜡烛。The old man peddled ice-cream on the street corner.这个老人在街角叫卖冰淇淋。These products are generally peddled (from) door to door.这些产品通常是挨家挨户进行兜售的。Women have peddled the myth that all decent men are either married or gay.女人们中间流传有这样的荒诞说法:体面的男人要么已经结婚,要么是同性恋。This is the claptrap that politicians have peddled many times before.这是政客们宣扬过无数次的废话。He peddled fish from a pushcart.他推着手推车沿街卖鱼。The organization has peddled the myth that they are supporting the local population.该组织散布了他们在支持当地居民的谎言。Her father peddled, an occupation shared by Lebanese and Jewish immigrants trying hard to make a living in a new land.她的父亲沿街叫卖,这是许多在陌生土地上艰难求生的黎巴嫩和犹太移民所从事的职业。They peddled fruits and vegetables out of their truck on the side of the road.他们用卡车在路边卖水果和蔬菜。He peddled his idea for a new movie to every executive in Hollywood.他向好莱坞的每个经理宣传他的一部新电影构思。




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