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词汇 peace talks
例句 The peace talks will take place in Cairo.和谈将在开罗举行。This latest terrorist attack is bound to delay the peace talks even further.最近的恐怖袭击必然会使和谈进一步延期。France had no representation at the peace talks.法国没有派代表参加和平谈判。The peace talks were tottering on the brink of collapse.和谈就要破裂了。Officials are trying to untangle the stalled peace talks.官员们正试图理顺被中断的和平谈判。The debate could endanger the proposed peace talks.这一争论可能会危及提议进行的和平谈判。New threats of violence have effectively torpedoed the peace talks.新的暴力威胁奏效了,破坏了和平谈判。He believes the peace talks will be renewed soon.他相信和平谈判不久将会重新开始。Extrinsic forces were responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks.和谈破裂,外部压力难辞其咎。There were renewed calls for a return to the peace talks.要求恢复和谈的呼声重新响起。The peace talks only seem to be making fitful progress.和平会谈似乎时而进展,时而停滞。The peace talks proved that even great adversaries were capable of cooperation.这次和谈证明,即使是冤家对头也能合作。The government is keen for peace talks to start again.该政府渴望重启和平会谈。The United States urged Moscow and the rebels to resume peace talks.美国敦促莫斯科与叛乱分子重开和平会谈。The government offered safe passage to militants taking up their offer of peace talks.政府向接受和平谈判的激进分子提供安全通行保障。The peace talks look promising.和谈看起来形势乐观。The two leaders are scheduled to meet again next month to continue the peace talks.双方领导人按计划将于下个月再次会晤,继续进行和谈。Last night's killings cast a dark shadow over the peace talks.昨晚的枪杀案为和谈蒙上了深深的阴影。They can call for a cease-fire to provide a conducive atmosphere for peace talks.他们呼吁停火,以便创造有助于和谈的气氛。A flare-up along the border threatened the peace talks.边境突发的暴力事件威胁着和谈。Some important issues remained unsettled after the peace talks.和谈之后一些重要的问题仍未得到解决。The peace talks were nipped in the end.和平会谈最终夭折了。The United Nations sent a team of observers to the peace talks.联合国派出了一组观察员出席和平谈判。Representatives of many nations at the peace talks are working towards an agreement.许多国家的和平会议代表正争取达成协议。The peace talks is being seized up.和谈正处于僵局。Mitchell acted as a special envoy in the Northern Ireland peace talks.米切尔在北爱尔兰和平谈判中充当特使。This recent wave of terrorism has ruled out any chance of peace talks.最近的这一波恐怖行动已经使得任何和谈的机会都化为泡影。Renewed fighting threatens to derail the peace talks.重燃的战火对和谈构成了威胁。Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。No one seems satisfied with the trajectory of the peace talks.似乎没人对和谈的进程感到满意。The peace talks are being held up by continued fighting on the border.和谈被边境上持续不断的战斗所耽搁。The failure of the peace talks has led to increased tension on the streets.和谈的失败使街上的气氛更趋紧张。The summit called for an end to the deadlock in the peace talks.峰会呼吁结束和谈僵局。The present conflict might provide fresh impetus for peace talks.目前的冲突可能会给和谈带来新的动力。Rowan said this latest outbreak of violence could upset the peace talks.罗恩说最近发生的暴力事件可能影响和平谈判。He will go to the Middle East next week to get the ball rolling again on peace talks.他下周将前往中东,开始重启和谈。The peace talks required great tact on the part of both leaders.和平谈判需要双方领导人的机智练达。The leaders are going through the motions of peace talks.领导人对和平会谈敷衍了事。Exactly how the land is to be divided up is the main sticking point of the peace talks.土地究竟该如何分割是和谈的主要分歧点。The peace talks were dead in the water.和谈停滞不前。




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