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词汇 pay cut
例句 It was the second pay cut in two years, and employees were becoming disgruntled.这已经是两年之中第二次减薪了,员工心里渐渐产生不满。Everyone will have to take a pay cut.大家都将不得不接受减薪。She's just found out about the pay cut and she's not a happy camper.她刚刚发现减薪了,非常不满意。Whether he would accept a pay cut would be the acid test of his loyalty to the company.他是否接受减薪将是他对公司忠诚度的试金石。He had to accept a cut in pay. = He had to accept a pay cut.他不得不接受减薪。The pay cut was just a taste of things to come.减薪只是个开始罢了。Everyone from the chairman downwards is taking a pay cut.上至总裁下至职位最低的人都将减薪。The new policy of shorter working hours will serve to take the sting out of the pay cut.缩短工作时间的新政策有助于减少降低薪水带来的不快。If Saunders is sincere about reform, he should set an example by taking a pay cut.如果桑德斯对于改革是认真的话,他应当树立榜样减薪。How will you justify this pay cut to your employees?你将如何向员工们证明这次减薪是合理的?The pay cut was unpopular, to put it mildly.说得轻些,减薪是不得人心的。She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was just clutching at straws.她提出减薪以保住工作,但这只不过是在乱抓救命稻草。I took a significant pay cut when I took this job, but I think it was worth it.我拿到这份工作时,工资骤降,但我认为值得。I took a pay cut to come here, but I'm sure it was the right thing to do.我接受了削减薪水来这里工作,但我相信这是正确的选择。




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