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词汇 pay
例句 Her electricity was cut off when she didn't pay her bill.她没有交电费,因而被停电了。If you go to a private hospital you must pay.如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。Come on, cough up, it's your turn to pay.来,掏钱吧,这回轮到你付了。Boring jobs often pay well.乏味单调的工作往往报酬高。Steps taken now to maximize your health will pay dividends later on.现在采取措施把健康调整到最佳状态会使你日后受益。Don't pay any attention to him – he's had one too many.别理他 — 他喝醉了。She told a sob story about how she had to starve herself to pay for the rent.她讲了个博取同情的故事,说她当时为了付房租如何忍饥挨饿。He often went of an evening to pay a friendly visit to the family.他常常在晚间去他们家作友好的拜访。Many were worried about unrealistic targets being linked directly to pay.很多人担心那些不切实际的目标会与报酬直接挂钩。Do you get a discount if you pay in cash?现金付款有折扣吗?Don't pay any attention to her. She's just trying to push your buttons.别理她。她就想惹你生气。Sneed had circulated a letter round the department explaining the new pay cuts.斯尼德在部门里传阅过一封信,解释新近的减薪计划。I told him that I wouldn't pay unless he sent me a replacement. Am I being unreasonable?我告诉他如果他不给我换货我就不付款。我这是不讲道理吗?The cost of a policy premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind.若能换个心安,花钱买个保险算不了什么。The farmer will have to refinance his loans or dispose of some assets to pay off loans.那农场主将不得不为清偿债款而再筹措信贷,要不就得变卖若干资产以清偿债款。He concluded to quit on pay day.他决定在发薪水这天辞职。He engaged to pay back the money.他答应一定还钱。You'll be moved out by force if you don't pay the rent.你如果不付租金,就将被强制迁出。They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it.他们付全价,请注意,他们是付得起的。He needs cash to pay off his creditors.他需要现金来还钱给债主。Local people expressed their dismay at the size of the pay rise.当地人对工资增加的幅度感到失望。Most people were forced to work longer hours each week, and to add insult to injury, the company decided not to give pay raises.多数人被迫每周延长工时,更糟糕的是,公司还决定不给加薪。This job stinks: stupid boss, hard work, and low pay.这个工作差劲透顶:老板笨,工作苦,薪水又低。We had to pay duty on our souvenirs.我们买的纪念品得付关税。The pay increases after you have served a five-year apprenticeship.你五年学徒期满后工资将会上调。She had to pay hundreds of dollars in auto repairs.她不得不花几百美元修理汽车。Someone has to pay the penalty for these mistakes.有人要为这些错误付出代价。Companies need to wake up and pay attention to the public's increasing concern about the environment.各企业需要清醒过来,注意了解公众对环境的日益关注。Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.大多数人都认识到需要用高额聘金来吸引精英人才。We don't have enough money to pay for everything, so we'll have to cut corners somewhere.我们的钱不够支付全部费用,所以必须在某些方面节省。Tot the whole lot up to make sure you'll have enough money to pay.把一切加起来,确保有足够的钱支付。A woman's pay should be commensurate with that of a man who does the same work.男女应同工同酬。The people here are forced to pay exorbitant black market prices for everyday goods such as food and clothes.这里的人被迫要出高得过分的黑市价购买食物、衣服等日用品。For many unions, the meat-and-potatoes issue is no longer pay increases but job security.许多工会面临的主要问题已不再是加薪,而是工作安全保障。The workers are demanding their back pay.工人们要求领取拖欠的工资。He's always pissing and moaning about having to pay taxes.他总是不停地抱怨要缴税。I pay only for things I sign for.我只付我签收的东西的钱。One day you will all pay the price for your selfish behaviour.总有一天你会为你自私的行为付出代价的。The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.政府正在用纳税人的钱壮大一家公有企业,再进行私人认购。She laid a little of her pay away each month.她每月储蓄一点工资。




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