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词汇 patronizing
例句 He was patronizing and superior with his employees, especially women.他以一种居高临下的优越态度来对待自己的员工,尤其是女员工。I can't bear his patronizing arrogance.我不能忍受他那居高临下的傲慢态度。Stephen explained the safety rules without patronizing.斯蒂芬不卑不亢地解释了安全条例。Their casual behaviour just looks arch or patronizing.他们那种随意的做派给人的印象就是高高在上,或者说是屈尊俯就。It's that patronizing tone of hers that I can't bear.我受不了的正是她那屈尊俯就的语气。Her patronizing sarcasm made my blood boil.她那屈尊俯就的嘲笑使我怒火中烧。I don't mean to sound patronizing.我没有自命不凡之意。She spoke to us in a patronizing tone.她以一种高人一等的语气跟我们说话。The program focuses on kids' interests without patronizing them.该节目以平等的态度关注孩子们的兴趣。He was discovered patronizing a West End massage parlour.有人发现他经常流连于伦敦西区一家妓院。He's always very patronizing towards / toward my mother.他对我母亲总是一副高人一等的样子。Burke's response seemed a little patronizing, though he undoubtedly hadn't intended it that way.伯克的回答有点施恩与人的感觉,尽管他无疑并没有那个意思。Don't be so patronizing with me.别对我采取那种优越屈尊的态度。He was patronizing, didactic, and irritable.他盛气凌人、喜欢训人并且急躁易怒。The tone of the interview was unnecessarily patronizing.面试官的口气让人觉得受了他多大恩惠似的,实在没有必要。It is counter-productive to address an interviewee in patronizing tones.以盛气凌人的语气同面试者讲话将会适得其反。I found his tone rather patronizing.我觉得他说话的语气相当倨傲。Stop patronizing me - I understand the play as well as you do.别对我摆出屈尊俯就的样子——我对这出戏的理解不比你差。I wish he wouldn't keep calling me "dear" - it's so patronizing!我希望他不要老是叫我“亲爱的”——太居高临下了!The voice was patronizing and affected, the accent artificial.声音拿腔拿调的,听上去矫揉造作。




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