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词汇 牙科医生
例句 It is advisable to see a dentist regularly.定期看牙科医生是明智的。I've got to go and see the bleeding dentist.我得去看讨厌的牙科医生I don't have an appointment, but I wonder if the dentist could see me today.我没有预约,可是牙科医生今天能不能给我看看呢?You should visit the dentist twice a year.你应该一年看两次牙科医生The dentist said I had a good bite.牙科医生说,我的上下齿咬合情况良好。A dentist sterilizes his instruments.牙科医生给他的器具消毒。The degree qualifies you to be a dentist.这个学位使你有资格当一名牙科医生You should have your teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year.你每年至少应该请牙科医生检查两次牙齿。Please consult your dentist or hygienist if gum problems persist.如果牙龈问题持续存在,请咨询牙科医生或牙科保健员。Our dentist keeps his instruments in trays.我们的牙科医生将他的器具放在隔底盘内。The dentist picked up several instruments.牙科医生把几把器械收拾好。




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