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词汇 patently
例句 This is patently absurd.这显然荒唐透顶。It is patently obvious that she is lying.她在说谎,这再清楚不过了。This idea was patently ludicrous.这种想法显然很可笑。Jenkins’ explanation of the situation is patently absurd.詹金斯对这件事的解释显然很荒谬。To say that the proposal has no disadvantages at all is patently untrue.要说这项提议没有缺点显然是不正确的。It is patently obvious that she is overqualified for the job.很明显,对于这个工作岗位她的资历过高。This patently absurd argument is often used by anti-gay groups.这个荒谬透顶的观点经常为反同性恋团体所用。He made his displeasure patently obvious.他把不快表现得相当明显。It was a ploy that patently failed.这是个明显失败的策略。Railtrack was patently a failing company struggling to pay its debts.铁路公司明显是个深陷债务危机且濒临破产的公司。The treatment is patently not working.这种疗法显然没有什么效果。The statement is patently false and an embarrassing public demonstration of his weakness as university leader.这篇声明分明是假的,还尴尬地暴露了他作为大学领导人的不足之处。The material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。Such beliefs are patently absurd.这样的信仰显然很荒唐。It is patently absurd for ministers to say that.部长说出这样的话显然荒唐。The charges against him are obviously/patently absurd.针对他的指控显然很荒谬。He has made it patently clear that he will not stand for childish theatrics any longer.他已经明确表示不再支持幼稚的做戏行为。The whole idea was patently ridiculous.整个观点明显很荒唐。Their claim was patently false.他们说的显然是不实之词。




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