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词汇 patches
例句 There were icy patches on the road.路上有结冰的地方。The cat has black patches on its forehead and tail.这只猫在前额和尾巴上有黑斑。We saw him in patches for a couple of months.我们一两个月中间或看到他。The hotel walls were covered in damp patches.旅馆的墙壁上满是湿渍。She wore a jacket with bright patches sewn onto it.她穿了一件夹克,点缀着一些颜色鲜艳的补丁。The paint was drying in irregular patches.油漆一片片地慢慢变干了。The pebbledash on the house was starting to come loose and flake off in small patches.房子的灰泥小石子外墙开始松动了,有几处小块地方掉了下来。Fog patches made driving difficult.部分地区有雾,给驾驶造成困难。There were large patches of rust on the car.车上有大块的锈斑。There were dark patches on the walls where water had soaked through.墙上被水浸透的地方有黑斑。There were damp patches on the ceiling.天花板上有几处潮湿的地方。In the winter, drivers need to look out for icy patches on the roads.冬天,司机应该当心路面上结冰的地方。Freezing fog and icy patches are expected to cause problems for motorists tonight.冰雾和结冰的路面今晚可能会给驾车者造成麻烦。She wore a sweater with patches on the elbows.她穿着一件肘部打补丁的毛线衫。Nicotine patches are sold without prescription.购买尼古丁贴片无需处方。Icy patches are likely on some roads.有些路面可能会有结冰的地方。The chair's original paint is still visible in patches. 这把椅子原来的油漆块还可以见到。The last patches of snow melted on the field.最后的几堆残雪在田野里融化了。Oestrogen patches deliver a low steady state of oestrogen.雌激素膏药释放出低量且稳定的雌激素。The front lawn has patches of bare dirt.前面的草坪露出一块块土。Watch out for patches of fog in low-lying areas.小心低洼地区的雾团。All marriages have their sticky patches.任何一桩婚姻都有难熬的时候。The interior walls have patches of damp on them.内墙上有片片湿斑。The track passes through dense weeds and briar patches.轨道穿过茂密的杂草和荆棘丛。This poem is good in patches, but I don't like all of it.这首诗有些部分写得不错,但我并不喜欢全诗。I get scaly patches on my scalp.我头皮上有些地方有头皮屑。The paint was falling away in patches.有几块地方油漆在剥落。The velvet curtains were faded in patches.天鹅绒窗帘有些地方褪色了。The play was good in patches.这部戏有些部分还不错。Flowers provide bright patches of colour / color.鲜花带来了一片片艳丽的色彩。The President's counter-inflation policy remains a thing of shreds and patches.总统的反通货膨胀政策只不过是个拼拼凑凑的大杂烩。Vitiligo patches cannot suntan, and the skin is very sun-sensitive.白癜风斑是晒不黑的,并且长斑处的皮肤对阳光很敏感。Students were wearing American flag patches on their sleeves.学生们在袖子上戴着绘有美国国旗的臂章。There are bald patches in the cat's fur.这只猫身上脱了几处毛。The brown hills were relieved by patches of green.褐色的山上点缀著一片片的绿色植物就不显得单调了。She had sewn colourful patches on her jeans.她往牛仔裤上缝了一些色彩斑斓的饰片。I mended the sheets by sewing on square patches.我缝了些方补丁把床单补好了。There are patches of weeds all over the lawn.草坪上到处可见一块块的杂草。Look out for icy patches on the road.小心路上结冰的地方。His pants have patches on the knees.他的裤子膝盖上有补丁。




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