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词汇 paste
例句 Crush the garlic into a paste using a pestle and mortar.用杵和臼把蒜捣成泥。It isn't valuable; it's just paste.它不值钱,只是铅质玻璃。Mix the powder and water into a stiff paste.把粉末和水混合成稠糊。Please paste these sheets of paper together.请把这几张纸粘在一起。Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.加点儿牛奶在面里,调匀面糊。Remove rind from the cheese and work it to a firm paste, with a fork.将奶酪的外皮去掉,用叉子将其压成硬硬的膏状。Combine the flour with the water to make a stiff paste.用面粉加水和一个硬面团。Apply the wallpaper paste with a roller.用滚子涂抹贴墙纸的糨糊。It's easier if you just cut and paste the information from one page to another.将内容从一页剪下贴到另一页比较方便。Mix the flour in just enough milk to make a smooth paste.面粉中加入适量的牛奶调成均匀的糊状。If you don't have any chutney, try olive paste.你要是没有酸辣酱,用橄榄酱试试。Add water and mix into a paste.加些水并搅成糊状物。Are these real diamonds or paste?这些是真钻石还是人造宝石?I need a tube of tooth paste.我需要一管牙膏。The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste.粉末加冷水搅拌成糊状。Spread the inside of the loaf with olive paste or pesto sauce for extra flavour.在面包里面涂些橄榄酱或香蒜酱会更好吃。The necklace contains real gems and paste.这串项链既有真宝石也有人造宝石。The program allows you to copy and paste text. 这个程序可以复制和粘贴文本。He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.他用浆糊把这些纸张黏在一起。Blend the tomatoes and cream to form a paste.把番茄和奶油混合成糊状物。You can cut and paste whole blocks of text very easily on screen.在屏幕上剪贴整段整段的文字非常简单。Using a whisk, mix the yolks and sugar to a smooth paste.用打蛋器将蛋黄和糖打成均匀的糊状。They plied their paste brushes madly.他们飞快地用浆糊刷子刷浆糊。A small amount of tomato paste will give extra colour and body to the sauce.加少量的番茄酱可以增加调味汁的色泽,使它的味道变得格外浓郁。She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish.她在炸好的鱼上涂了一层番茄酱。Flour can mix with water to make a paste.面粉可以和水混合做成面团。Don't make the paste too thick, or it will not spread evenly.不要把酱弄得太稠,否则不易涂均匀。Mix the sugar mixture to a smooth paste.将糖的混合料掺和到揉匀的面团里。The combination of flour and water makes paste.面粉与水混合成为浆糊。Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.将这些原料混和成均匀的糊状。Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。Mix the flour with enough water to form a thick paste.将面粉和足够的水混合,搅拌成稠面糊。Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste.加少量牛奶,将蛋奶调味粉搅拌成糊。Let's paste up the cracks with some thick paper.我们用厚纸把裂缝糊起来吧。Stir the flour and water to a paste.将面粉和水搅拌成糊状。Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste.母亲把面粉和牛奶搅成浓浆。The book was an unprofessional cut-and-paste job.这本书是一个外行人东拼西凑弄出来的。He made a paste of mud and water.他用泥和水调成泥浆。His latest book is a scissors-and-paste affair.他最近的那本著作是剪剪贴贴拼凑而成的。Let's paste up the cracks with paper.让我们用纸把隙缝糊起来。




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