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You can always change your password at a later date.你可以在日后任何时间修改你的密码。Face-recognition software allows you to log into your computer using your face as your password.面部识别软件可以用你的脸做密码让你登录计算机。How can I unlock my computer if I've forgotten the password?如果忘记密码,我该如何给电脑解锁?The machine barfed when I put in the wrong password.当我键入错误的口令时,计算机发出了怪声。You must give the password before they'll let you in.你必须给出口令,他们才会让你进去。I keyed in my password, but the file still won't open.我键入密码,但是文件还是打不开。Give your user name and password.输入用户名和密码。Never write your password on a sticky note!千万不要将密码写到便利贴上!If you don't remember your password, you'll cause yourself a lot of inconvenience.要是记不起密码的话,你麻烦就大了。I typed my password into my instant messaging service.我输入密码进入即时信息服务功能。Tap in your password before you log on.登录前请先输入密码。She typed her password in.她键入自己的密码。Please supply a valid user password.请提供有效的用户密码。You need your password to sign on.你需要密码来登录。You can access your bank account online using a secure password.你可以通过安全密码进入自己的网上银行账户。I thought the computer wasn't working but I must have fat-fingered my password.我原本以为电脑坏了,其实肯定是我输错了密码。Your password allows you to have free access to the system.输入自己的密码,便可自如进入系统。Your password gives you exclusive access to your personal computer files.你设置了密码,就只有你一个人可以存取自己的个人电脑文件。The system is configured to allow access only to people who know the password.这个系统设定只允许知道密码的人访问。You need to enter your password in order to log on.你输入密码才能登录。You need to enter your password to check your e-mail.你需要输入密码才能查看电子邮件。If your password gets known by anyone else, your data may not be secure.如果你的密码被别人知道了,你的资料就会不安全。It won't let you enter without a password.没有密码你就无法登录。Always protect confidential files by locking them with a password.机密文件一定要用密码锁起来。I typed in my password and my email address.我输入了我的密码和电子邮件地址。Don't write your password down, memorize it.不要把密码写下来,要记在心里。Enter your password.输入口令。Enter your user name and password.输入你的用户名和密码。No-one could use the computer unless they had a password.没口令者不能使用这台计算机。You need a special password to access this file.要输入特定密码才能打开这份文档。You'll need a password to access the database.你需要密码才能进入数据库。You'll receive a user name and password when you subscribe.你订购时就会收到一个用户名和密码。Advance and give the password.前进并报出口令。Please enter your username and password.请输入用户名和密码。In order to gain access to the network, you first have to key in your name and password.要登录网络,首先要键入用户名和密码。Users log onto a password-protected Internet site.使用者登录有密码保护的互联网站。Log on using your name and password.用你的名字和密码登录。Don't let anyone know your password.别让别人知道你的密码。It was impossible for anyone to get in because no one knew the password.因为没人知道密码,所以任何人都不可能进得去。I don't know the secret password.我不知道密码。 |