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词汇 passions
例句 The shooting has only inflamed passions further.枪击事件无疑是火上浇油。He performed his duties faithfully and governed his passions rationally.他恪尽职守,理性地克制着自己的热情。It's the old idea that only wanton women have sexual passions.认为只有荡妇才有性欲的观念已经过时了。Our passions often dispose us to folly.感情冲动常使我们干出蠢事。There is a common prejudice in this country that Italians display their passions more readily than the English.这一国家的人普遍持有一种偏见,说意大利人比英格兰人更爱表达激情。He gave great encouragement to his students, especially if their passions happened to coincide with his own.他给予学生莫大的鼓励,尤其是当他们与自己志趣相投时。Football has always been one of his passions.他一直酷爱足球。The recent fighting in the area could ignite regional passions far beyond the borders.最近该地区的战斗可能在边界以外的大片地区激起强烈情绪。She thought him a stranger to passions.她认为他是个全无激情的人。Touch a man's property and his passions are immediately aroused.要是动了一个人的财物,那他会立刻变得异常激愤。She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions.哪怕是再纯真的恋情她也能从中嗅出罪恶的味道。In human society, our passions are conditioned.在人类社会里,我们的情感是受条件制约的。He's always thrall to passions.他总是感情用事。Hope was a sweet moderator of passions.希望是强烈感情的美妙的缓和剂。Rachel's arrival on the scene had unleashed passions in him that he could scarcely control.瑞秋的到来激起了他难以抑制的热情。He was defined by his passions. 他的热情彰显了他的性格。It is the passions which provide the main impulse of music.激情是音乐创作的主要动力。This is a novel of epic scope and grand passions.这部小说场面宏大,气势磅礴。She could choose her own partner in matrimony, as long as she gave no utterance to her passions and emotions.只要她不表露她的激情和情感,她就可以选择自己的婚姻伴侣。Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions.杰克逊总是能够控制自己的感情,保持冷静。




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