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词汇 wife
例句 He's been fending for himself since his wife died.妻子去世后,他就一直自己照顾自己。He and his wife lived in a modern bungalow on the outskirts of the city.他和妻子住在市郊一幢新式的平房里。One of my cousins is coming over from France with his wife and daughter.我的一个表亲和他的妻子女儿要从法国过来。He did all the work, but his wife stole the show.所有的工作都是他做的,但出尽风头的却是他妻子。No one, save perhaps his wife, knows where he is.除他妻子之外,没人知道他在哪儿。How many husbands would stay at home and take care of the children while their wife goes out to work?有多少丈夫愿意由妻子外出工作,自己待在家里带孩子呢?He was reunited with his wife after years of separation.他在同妻子分居多年以后又团聚了。He walked in advance of his wife.他走在他妻子的前面。The court may exercise its jurisdiction to compel the husband to make a settlement upon his wife.法院可以行使司法权强制丈夫给予其妻子财产。His colonel had designs on his wife.他的上校在打他妻子的主意。Pepys was fearful of discontenting his wife.佩皮斯生怕妻子不满。He remained with his wife during her confinement.妻子分娩时有他陪伴在身边。The wife of a businessman was kidnapped from her home in London last night.昨天晚上一个商人的妻子在她伦敦的家中遭到了绑架。How will you manage with your wife gone?你妻子走了,你今后的日子怎么过? Now that his wife's gone, he's all on his own.妻子没了,他一切都要靠自己了。He went off the deep end after his wife left him.太太弃他而去之后,他就精神崩溃了。He has positively identified the body as that of his wife.他已确认那是他妻子的尸体。He had his wife spied on for evidence in a divorce case.他派人暗中监视他的妻子,为离婚讼案搜集证据。Sure, I was devastated when Harry went back to his wife, but even so I wouldn't change a thing.没错,哈里回到妻子那里去时我伤心欲绝,但即使这样的话,我也并不后悔。He talked to me interminably about his first wife.他没完没了地和我讲他的第一任妻子。I didn't want to come between a husband and wife.我可不想在夫妻之间挑拨离间。His wife is pregnant with twins. 他妻子怀了双胞胎。My wife uses only eco-friendly products.我妻子只用环保产品。Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved.她的经历是一个妻子坚定地支持她深爱着的丈夫的感人故事。He decided that he couldn't just slink away, so he went and sat next to his wife.他决定不能偷偷溜走,于是便走到妻子身边坐下。He was searching high and low for his wife and clearly thought he was going to find her in my flat.他在到处找他的妻子,显然他以为会在我的公寓里找到她。His bank savings, with his wife's jewels, amount to three million dollars.他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。I put my wife and kids before anyone else.我把妻子和孩子看得比任何人都重要。Have you met my wife?你认识我的妻子吗?Meanwhile, back in London, his wife had given birth.与此同时,他太太在伦敦生产了。He remains devoted to his wife.他仍然深爱自己的妻子。Lewis asked his wife to lie in an attempt to cover up the murder.刘易斯要求妻子说谎,企图掩饰那起凶杀案。It's an open secret that he's been cheating on his wife.他一直对妻子不忠,这是个公开的秘密。Ben needs to have his wife's approval before he'll do anything.本做什么都要得到妻子同意。My wife's career is very important to her.我妻子的职业对她非常重要。His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.正是他的妻子使他产生了灵感,塑造出了这本书的主人公。Smith killed his wife, and then shot himself.史密斯杀死妻子,然后开枪自杀。The president's wife wanted to stay out of the limelight.总统夫人想避免引人注目。He is liable for his wife's debts. 他有义务偿还他妻子的债务。At first I tried to keep my illness a secret from my wife.起初我想把我的病对妻子保密。




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