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例句 After-school childcare is an area of particular importance to many working mothers.儿童课外托管对于许多上班的妈妈来说尤为重要。Students apply for admission to a particular college.学生们申请上某所大学。You can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need.你可以在文件中搜寻单词或短语,以便直接获取所需信息。It is impossible to hypnotise someone simply by saying a particular word or phrase.不可能仅通过说某个词或短语就能把人催眠。The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.埃塞俄比亚的局势尤其令人担忧。Some lawyers are limited to one particular area of law.一些律师只懂某个领域的法律。After one particular bad result, he shut himself in the shower room for an hour.一个特别糟的结果出来后,他将自己关在淋浴间里关了一小时。He has a very particular philosophy, which involves owning as little as possible.他有个非常独特的见解,就是要尽可能少拥有东西。To be female is not a disability; it is just a particular way of being human.身为女性并不意味着不便;这只是人类一种特定的存在形式。He worked from the general to the particular.他从一般向特殊推导。We will certainly reciprocate that particular gesture.我们当然会对那一姿态做出回应。I made the cookies for no one in particular. 我并不是为了某个人做了这些饼干。But Microsoft has demonstrated that owning a particular software platform can enable you to integrate other products into it.但是微软公司业已证明,拥有特定软件平台就可让用户将其他产品整合进去。These radio disc jockeys accepted payola to play particular songs.这些电台音乐节目主持人被买通了播放某些特定歌曲。Do you have any particular preference?你有什么特别的偏好吗?We focused our attention on this particular poem.我们关注到这首不寻常的诗。The investigators at the crash site are paying particular attention to the weather data.撞车事故现场的调查人员特别注意天气资料。She stressed that point in particular.她特别强调了那一点. Restaurant menus might specify a particular varietal of vegetable or mention the farm where it was grown.餐馆的菜单上可能会标明特定蔬菜的品种或者提及种植这些蔬菜的农场。The university needs to cut costs but has not made any particular proposals in this regard.大学需要削减开支,但在这方面还没有什么特别的提议。He responded very strongly to the aesthetic of this particular work.他强烈地感受到这件作品的美学价值。The book is of particular relevance to student nurses.这本书是专门面向实习护士的。Neither of their children had shown any particular talent for music.他们的两个孩子在音乐方面都没有表现出特别的天赋。These responses were conditioned by a particular set of events.这些是由一系列特定事件引起的条件反应。The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.中央情报局雇用了一大批该领域的专业人员。Teachers aim to assess the appropriacy of the language used by their students in particular contexts.老师们旨在评估学生在特定语境中使用语言的得体性。Hotels often inflate prices at particular times of the year.酒店经常在一年中的某些时候抬高价格。Why has the dollar rocketed against the yen in particular?为何美元对日元的兑换率升得特别快呢?Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far.人们试图将特定的语言功能与大脑的特定部位相关联,但至今并未取得太大进展。My cat had a particular yen for sweetbreads.我那只猫特别喜欢吃小牛羊的杂碎。I had always supposed that astrology was his particular hobby.我一直认为占星学是他的特殊爱好。We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs.我们或许可以专门设计一门课程以满足你的特殊需求。They produce artificial chemicals which exactly imitate particular natural ones.他们生产酷似某些天然物质的人造化学品。These particular birds live on only one island in the Pacific.这些独特的鸟只生活在太平洋的一个岛上。If you can't work a particular shift, you can always do a swap with a colleague.如果你上不了某个班,随时可以和同事换一换。A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies.发生争执的一个根源就是国营公司的私有化方案。In this particular case, no one else was involved.这件事没有其他人牵涉其中。On this particular occasion, Joe wasn't there.在这个特殊场合,乔却不在。The amendment prohibits obscene materials which denigrate the beliefs of a particular religion.修正案禁止出版诋毁某一宗教信仰的淫秽书籍。What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw?我们最后看的那套公寓你特别喜欢它哪一点?




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