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词汇 parole
例句 She was released on parole after serving just half of her sentence.她的刑期只服了一半就获准假释出狱了。He received a life sentence without the possibility of parole.他被判无期徒刑,不得保释。He was granted/denied parole.他的假释申请被批准/拒绝。The crime has focused public attention on the problem of parole.这起刑事案件把公众的注意力引向了假释问题。The prisoner was released on parole.罪犯被提前释放了。She got parole.她得到了假释。He was arrested for violating his parole.他因违反假释令而被捕。He was arrested for violation of his parole.他因违反假释令而被捕。If released, he will continue to be on parole for eight more years.如果获释,他还有八年的假释期。He'll be up for parole in two more years.再过两年他才会获得假释。He committed a burglary while on parole.在假释期间他犯了盗窃罪。He got parole after five years.五年后他获得了假释。He committed another crime while he was on parole.他在假释期内又犯罪了。The parole board has decided that the prisoner is not yet ready for release.假释裁决委员会认定这名囚犯尚不符合保释条件。The criminal promised to reform himself, so he was released on parole.罪犯表示愿意改过自新,所以被假释出狱了。Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.囚犯有权申请假释。The prisoner will be eligible for parole after three years.这名罪犯三年后有资格获得假释。I'll never accept parole because that entails me accepting guilt.我决不会接受假释,因为这就等于我承认自己有罪。She robbed a bank while out on parole.她在假释期间抢劫了一家银行。He was out on parole when he murdered the girl.他谋杀那姑娘时正值假释期间。With parole, he could be out in two years.若能获假释,他两年后就可以出狱。She is unlikely to be granted parole because of the nature of the crime.由于犯罪的性质,她不太可能获得假释。




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