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词汇 prosperity
例句 It cannot simply be argued that Spain leapfrogged to prosperity on the backs of her Northern neighbours.毫无疑问,西班牙是乘着北方邻国的东风才大步走向繁荣的。The country is entering a period of prosperity.这个国家进入了繁荣期。We're just now entering an era of great prosperity.我们正在进入一个繁荣昌盛的时代。I intend to continue to work to develop a vision of a Scotland that can banish poverty, whilst enhancing growth and prosperity.我准备继续朝着在苏格兰消除贫困这一愿景努力,同时还要促进发展与繁荣。Economic prosperity was won on the backs of the urban poor.经济繁荣靠的是城市里的贫民。And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.促进墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣将有助于解决与我们大家息息相关的诸多问题。She presided over a period of relative peace and prosperity.她执政时期相对和平繁荣。The king reigned in a time of peace and prosperity.这个国王在一个和平繁荣的时代当政。The island's prosperity depends on its fishing industry.这个岛的繁荣有赖于渔业。Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。Their current economic prosperity rests on rather weak foundations.他们当前的经济繁荣根基相当薄弱。Then came a period of unprecedented wealth and prosperity.然后出现了一段空前的富裕和繁荣时期。After the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity.战后该国开始出现更加繁荣的局面。The town's prosperity comes from the textile industry.该镇的繁荣源自纺织工业。Chlorophyll is essential to plant prosperity.叶绿素对植物的茁壮成长是必不可少的。We have benefited from a spillover of prosperity from neighboring states. 我们已经从邻近各州的繁荣所产生的辐射效应中受益。The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。They were hardly aware of the challenge facing them, namely, to re-establish prosperity.他们几乎没有意识到自己面临的挑战,即再创繁荣。Amity between the two nations will contribute to the prosperity of the region.这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助于这一地区的繁荣。We appreciate fellowship in prosperity and adversity.我们赞赏甘苦与共的精神。It was a period of wealth and prosperity.这是个富足和繁荣的时期。He has reached the tidemark of his prosperity.他已达到富裕的水平。Economic prosperity depends critically on an open world trading system.经济繁荣关键要靠一个开放的世界贸易体系。We believe that what we have agreed today will be a milestone on the road to true peace and prosperity in our country.我们相信,今天达成的协议将会是我国通往真正和平及繁荣道路上的一座里程碑。The growth of tourism brought prosperity to the island.旅游业的发展给这座岛带来了繁荣。The unions tried to secure a bigger slice of the cake of economic prosperity for the working populations.工会试图为工人们争取更多的由经济繁荣所带来的利益。The country is entering upon a period of prosperity.这个国家正在步入繁荣期。We should take the road to common prosperity.我们必须走共同富裕的道路。An unprecedented boom in tourism brought prosperity to the town.旅游业前所未有的景气给小镇带来了繁荣。This socialism does not after all offer a magic formula for prosperity and human dignity.这种社会主义说到底并不能提供实现富足和人格尊严的神奇方案。Migrant workers played a central role in the state's prosperity.流动工人为该州的繁荣作出了重要贡献。The town has been careful not to buy prosperity at the expense of its character.这小镇小心地避免为了繁荣而失去它的特色。The industrial prosperity percolated down to all the people.工业繁荣使老百姓共享其利。Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.德国空前的繁荣是建立在明智的投资基础之上的。The expansion of the European Union had brought unprecedented neighbourliness and prosperity to Europe.欧盟的发展壮大给欧洲带来了前所未有的繁荣和睦邻关系。It is easy to perceive the contrast between their material prosperity and the emptiness of their lives.他们物质富足,但生活空虚,这一差别是容易察觉的。His governorship was marked by fairness and prosperity.他任州长期间政绩卓著,社会公平,经济繁荣。What is behind rising joblessness in a period of prosperity?繁荣时期失业现象日益严重,其真实原因何在?The depression slackened off and prosperity was returning.萧条渐趋缓和,繁荣正在复归。The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity.战争过后是长时间的和平与繁荣。




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