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I'll drop off the paperwork as soon as it's all filled out.资料一填完我就提交。We had to complete a mountain of paperwork to get the loan.为了取得贷款,我们做了大量的文书工作。We're currently dealing with the paperwork for your transfer.我们正在办理你的调职手续。Computers have reduced the amount of paperwork in offices considerably.电脑已经大幅减轻了办公室的书面工作量。The department's good intentions have been buried under a mountain of rules and paperwork.该部门的良好意愿在一大堆的规章和文书工作的重压下被埋没了。I've sent all the paperwork to my accountant.我已经把所有资料都寄给了我的会计师。Is there a point to/for all of this paperwork?为什么要做这些文书工作?People often procrastinate when it comes to paperwork.要处理文书工作的时候,人们常常会拖拖拉拉的。If you just bear with me for a few more minutes, we'll have all the paperwork finished.如果你能耐心地再等几分钟,我们会把所有的文书工作都做完。Shipman was seated in his office, labouring over his paperwork, when I came in.我进去的时候,希普曼坐在办公室里忙着文书工作。I've got to push on with this paperwork.我得坚持做完这点儿案头工作。All this paperwork has made my life much more difficult.所有这些文书工作把我的生活搞得更辛苦。I've developed a real distaste for paperwork.我已渐渐对文书工作产生反感。The investigation generated a mountain of paperwork.调查带来大量的文书工作。There's still a lot of paperwork to be gotten through.仍有大量的文案工作要做。Police work involves so much paperwork these days.现如今当警察也要做这么多文书工作。I was so excited when I went to sign the paperwork I could hardly write.去签文件时我非常兴奋,几乎无法写字。I'm being drowned in paperwork. 我忙着没完没了的案头工作。The paperwork was only just completed in time for the conference.文书工作在会议开始前才勉强完成。The paperwork must have a notary's seal.书面材料必须盖上公证员的印章。The police do not have the staff to process paperwork quickly.警方人手缺乏,无法迅速处理文书工作。She filled in the requisite paperwork.她完成了必要的书面工作。I was knee-deep in paperwork.我完全沉浸在文书工作当中了。Let's hope we don't have to redo our paperwork.希望我们不用重做书面作业。He arranges to collect the payment from the customer, thus saving the client the paperwork.他安排直接向顾客收取费用,免去了顾客填写各种文件的麻烦。They hadn't reckoned with all the paperwork that went along with buying a new house.他们没有考虑到购买新房需要这么多文件。The paperwork left me completely befuddled.文书工作把我弄得晕头转向。I have a lot of paperwork to get through.我有很多文书工作要做。I was back in harness on Monday, handling paperwork at my desk.周一我又恢复了正常工作,在办公桌旁处理文件。He slogged away at the paperwork all day.他整天都忙于文案工作。I've left the paperwork for you.我把文案工作留给了你。The lawyer had us fill in the paperwork for the mortgage.律师让我们填写了按揭贷款的书面文件。The new system is designed to reduce the amount of paperwork we have to do.新系统的设计意图是要减轻我们的文书工作量。We agreed the deal online, but we'll have to wait for snail mail to get the paperwork.我们在网上达成了交易,但是还得等平信寄来书面文件。The amount of paperwork involved is mind-boggling.相关的书面工作量大得令人难以想象。He blasted the lawyers for submitting such shabby paperwork.他骂那些律师提交的书面材料太差劲。That teachers are annoyed about having so much extra paperwork is understandable.有这么多额外的文书工作要做,那些老师感到生气是可以理解的。If your job involves a lot of paperwork, you're going to need something to carry it all in.如果你的工作要求做很多文字工作,你就需要有东西来装所有文件。I handled most of the paperwork.我做了大部分文书工作。All this paperwork is a hassle.所有这些文书工作都是麻烦事。 |