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词汇 pan out
例句 We'll have to see how things pan out.我们得看看事情如何发展。Nobody knew how the things would pan out.没人知道事情结果将会怎样。My plan to study at Harvard didn't pan out.我进哈佛大学就读的计划没成功。Uncle George's plans never pan out.乔治叔叔的计划从来没有成功过。We hope things will pan out as we expect.我们希望事情的结果如我们所料。He applied for a number of jobs and is hoping that one of them will pan out. 他申请了几份工作,希望有一份能成功。See how the day pans out, and if you've got time, come and see us.瞧,这一天就这么慢慢地过去了,如果你们有时间,来看我们吧。If things don't pan out here, I'll move back to the city.如果这儿的事情不顺利,我就搬回市里去。We'll have to see how things pan out. 我们要看看事情进展如何。She swilled the pan out in the sink.她把平底锅放在洗涤槽里涮洗干净。Their attempt to start a new business didn't pan out.他们试图开展新的生意,但没有成功。Things didn't pan out as he'd planned.事情的结果并不像他早先计划的那样。After you pan out the dirt and sand there might be some gold left.淘掉沙土后,也许有些金子留下来。Let's see how things pan out before we decide.让我们先看看事情如何发展,然后再作决定。




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