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I'm going to paint a picture of the church.我打算把那座教堂画下来。I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it.我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。Football pitches are usually marked out with white paint.足球场通常是用白漆画出界线。The paint is starting to flake off.油漆开始剥落了。The chair's original paint is still visible in spots.这把椅子上原来的油漆还零星可见。Don't worry if this first coat of paint looks messy.如果这第一层油漆看上去很脏的话,不用担心。The paint had chipped off the gate.门上的油漆剥落了。The new paint job really perked up the room.重新刷漆使得房间焕然一新。He went on to paint a discouraging picture of the problems facing the state.他继续描绘出该国所面临的令人沮丧的问题。You'll find the paint drips everywhere if you water it down too much.要是水掺得太多,涂料会滴得到处都是。My mother had always wanted to learn how to paint - she just needed a gentle push.我母亲一直想学绘画,她只是需要有人含蓄地鼓励她一下。She took a can of paint and dipped her brush in it.她取出一罐油漆,将刷子在里面蘸了蘸。He does not paint for very long on any one painting, perhaps for two and a half hours at a time.他每幅画不会画很长时间,一次大概画两个半小时。Do we have enough paint to be going on with, or should I get some more while I'm out?继续下去我们的油漆够用吗,我是不是该外出时再买一些?She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.她精心地把脚指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。We can afford to buy enough paint to do the whole house.我们买得起足够的油漆漆遍整个房子。I used the leftover paint for the cupboard doors.我用剩下的油漆涂刷柜橱门。His hands and arms were streaked with paint.他的手和胳膊上全是一道道的漆印。This is the last of the paint, and I don't think it's going to be enough.这是最后一点油漆了,我觉得不够用。She sprayed red paint all over his car in one last vengeful act before leaving him for good.在彻底离开他之前,她用红漆涂花了他的车作为最后的报复。There were blobs of paint all over the floor.地板上到处都是点点滴滴的油漆。The new paint is already starting to crack and peel.新漆已经开始出现裂纹并脱落。The kids were splashing on paint with abandon.孩子们任意地泼洒着颜料。They chose a red clay pot decorated with patterns in dull white paint.他们选了一个红色的陶罐,上面饰有用没有光泽的白漆描绘的图案。Ella had a smudge of green paint on her cheek.埃拉脸上有一块绿漆的污迹。The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.门上的黑漆与白墙形成对照。She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait.她请了一位艺术家为她画肖像。Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain.顺着木材的纹理刷上厚厚的一层漆。This surface will not take paint.这种表面难上漆。Be careful; paint may smear.小心,油漆会弄脏东西。She accused her landlord of bad faith because he had promised to paint the apartment but never did it.她指责房东不守信用,因为他承诺过要粉刷公寓但一直没有兑现。The painter dipped his brush into the paint.画家拿画笔蘸颜料。The metal is all perfect still under the paint.油漆层下面的金属依然全部完好无损。I need solitude in order to paint my pictures.我需要独处来画我的画。Let the paint dry overnight.让油漆晾一晚上。Make sure the paint is distributed evenly over the surface area.要确保漆均匀地涂在表层部位。He tried to paint the president as he really was, warts and all.他试图真实地刻画总统,丝毫不掩饰其缺点。He received a commission from the king to paint the queen's portrait.他受国王之命为王后画像。You have a streak of paint on your forehead.你的前额上有一道漆印。Why do people paint pictures?.人们为什么画画? |