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词汇 back out
例句 She went back out into the daylight.她重又走回到阳光下。The old man belted a few and went back out into the cold.这老人喝了几杯酒,不顾寒冷向外走去。He grabbed her pistol and fired a warning shot. The intruder ran back out into the hall.他抓起她的手枪就开枪警告,闯进来的人便跑回到大堂里去了。We're in too deep to back out.我们走得太远,已不能中途退出。They promised to help us, and then backed out.他们承诺帮助我们,但随后食言了。Wells was supposed to put up half the money, but later backed out.韦尔斯本应当出一半的钱,但后来他食言了。Madonna backed out of the project after much wrangling.多番争吵之后,麦当娜退出了这个项目。The deal fell through when investors backed out.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。He promised to help and then backed out.他答应帮忙,后来却食言了。The ship put about and sailed back out to sea.船改变了方向,掉头朝大海驶去。She backed out of the garage.她把车倒着开出了车库。You promised to help ——you mustn't back out now!你答应了帮助——现在不可食言!Kyle came back out to retrieve his belongings.凯尔返回来取他的东西。She backed out of the room carrying a tray.她端着盘子倒退着走出房间。The rain was still coming down in buckets when we went back out.我们出门向回走的时候仍旧下着瓢泼大雨。He backed out onto the main road.他将车倒上主干道。Seeing him coming,she backed out of the hall.她看见他来了,就退出了大厅。Their troops pulled back out of the newly occupied area.他们的部队撤出了那个新占领的地区。You agreed to come. You can't back out now!你答应要来的。你现在可不能说话不算数!I put the car in/into reverse and backed out of the garage.我把车挂上倒挡,从车库倒出。He backed out of the deal when he saw the risks.当他看到有风险的时候,立即退出交易。She could not, in good conscience, back out on her deal with him.凭良心她不能背弃与他达成的协议。She wanted to introduce herself to him but she held back out of shyness.她本想向他做个自我介绍,但因害羞而退缩了。Dad threw his back out moving the sofa.爸爸搬沙发时把背给扭伤了。The plumber went back out to the van to get his tools.管道工回到外面的货车上去拿工具。I put my back out by moving the piano.我搬钢琴时扭伤了背。I've already agreed to go. I can't very well back out now.我已经同意前往。事到如今,我不好退出了。The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line.火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。It's too late to back out now.现在反悔已经太晚了。He backed out of the drive.他把车倒着开出了车道。I gave her a lift back out to her house.我让她搭我的便车回家。Simms quietly backed out of the office, his face red with embarrassment.西姆斯满脸通红,尴尬地默默退出了办公室。Two entrants have backed out of competing in the regatta.两位报名参加划船比赛的运动员已宣布退出。He backed out arrogantly and without apology.他傲慢地退出了,没表示任何歉意。He was sagacious enough to back out.他及时抽身退出,真是英明。The government is trying to back out of its commitment to reduce pollution.政府曾承诺减少污染,现在想变卦了。I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.我站在车道上,看着他把车倒出来然后开走。They backed out of the deal.他们放弃了这笔交易。




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