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词汇 packing
例句 I've got packing down to a fine art. I make lists. In fact I make several lists.我对打包行李这事已经非常娴熟了。我会列出单子。事实上,我会列若干个单子。Carefully remove the computer from its foam packing.请小心地把计算机从泡沫包装里搬出来。The boss called him to the office and sent him packing.老板把他叫到办公室,叫他另谋生计。I think she's nearly finished packing. I'll go hurry her up.我想她差不多收拾好行李了,我去催她一下。She removed the packing from around the vase.她撕掉了花瓶四周的包装材料。I was packing, cleaning the house, and saying countless goodbyes, in short, it was a hectic week.我在整理行装,清扫屋子,没完没了地跟人告别;总之,这是乱哄哄的一周。His leg had been splinted up with packing case slivers.他的腿已用板箱木条固定下来。If he tries to see you again, I'll send him packing.如果他还想要见你,我会把他打发走。He began packing up his things.他开始收拾行李。We're going to Greece tomorrow, and I haven't started packing yet!我们明天去希腊,我还没开始收拾行李呢!The storm is packing hurricane-force winds.暴雨和着飓风级大风。He travels so much that he has packing his clothes down to a science. 他经常旅行,所以打起包来十分在行。The speed of the machine may be regulated to pace the packing operation.机器的速度可调节得与包装速度一致。I don't think we've got enough packing cases for all the equipment.我觉得我们的箱子不够装所有的用具。I gave her a hand packing up her clothes and stuff.我帮她打点衣物用品。I went up to my room to continue with my packing.我去自己房间继续打包。All prices include postage and packing / handling.所有的价格均包括邮费和包装/装卸费。All prices include postage and packing.所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。He took the cases and occupied himself with packing the car.他拿起那几个箱子,忙着往汽车里塞。They are busy packing.他们正忙于整理行装。He washed, shaved and made short work of packing his light bag.他洗了脸,刮了胡子,又快速把轻便提包打包完毕。The morning passed in alternation between packing and monitoring the radio reports.时而打点行装,时而监听无线电报导,上午就这样过去了。Stencil an address on a packing case.用模板在包装箱上印刷地址。I got up early to finish packing.我提前起床打好包。The play was still packing them in after several weeks.几周过去了,这部戏还吸引着他们。You should send him packing if he behaves like that again.如果他再那样做的话,你应该让他卷铺盖滚蛋。The movie has been packing them in at theaters across the country.这部电影在全国各剧场都一直吸引着大批观众。They knew all along that he was packing heat.他们向来都知道他身上有家伙。She finished her packing and zipped up the bag.她收拾好东西,把包上的拉链拉好。She took the precaution of packing extra medicine for the trip.她这次旅行多带了些药,以备不时之需。His new TV came in a big packing case.他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。He was sent packing by his boss.他被老板解雇了。Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun.酷爱假日的英国人正收拾小桶和锹铲前往阳光充足的地方。I'm thinking of packing him in.我正想把他甩掉。I've been packing up, ready to go.我一直在打点行装,准备出发。She isn't packing in her skis just yet.她还没有打算放弃滑雪呢。The glasses were wrapped in newspaper before being put in the packing case.玻璃杯放进装运箱之前已先用报纸包好。He is busy packing for Nanjing.他正忙于整理去南京的行装。A loss in tomorrow's game will send them packing. 明天的比赛若失利,他们就将出局。We finished all our packing yesterday.我们昨天就把行李收拾好了。




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