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词汇 权力
例句 He can shut down industry, and his power could cripple the economy.他可以让工业停产,他的权力或许还能搞垮经济。The book describes how the senator climbed to power.这本书描写了这位参议员是如何登上权力宝座的。He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority.他正努力适应自己权力被削弱这一局面。The mayor is losing power/influence/support.那位市长的权力/影响力/支持度正在减弱。The act will give the government new rights to impound untaxed cars and crush them.这条法案将赋予政府新的权力,扣押未完税的汽车并将它们销毁。The government must be careful in its exercise of power.政府在行使其权力时必须小心谨慎。Congress is vested with the power to declare war. = The power to declare war is vested in Congress.国会被赋予宣战的权力I simply enjoy the feeling of power.我只是享受这种权力的滋味。They are determined to win power through the ballot box, not by violence.他们决心通过投票选举来获得权力,而不是用暴力。Though shorn of some of its powers, the party remains in control.虽然被削去了一些权力,该党仍然掌握着控制权。What right had the crowd to revile the England players for something they could not help...?观众有什么权力因为英格兰队员们无能为力的事情而斥责他们?A lot of this has to do with power and greed.凡此种种都和权力与贪欲有关。The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.军政府感到自身权力受到威胁,进行了激烈反击。What entitles you to order us about?你有什么权力命令我们做事? Congress delegated all the emergency powers to the president.国会授予总统一切应变权力She had been shorn of her power.她被剥夺了权力He got a free hand here.他在这儿有放手处理问题的权力It was power that corrupted him.权力腐蚀了他。Her boss has given her a lot of responsibility/authority.老板给了她很多职责/权力Parental authority has been attenuated somewhat in recent years.近年来父母的权力有所削弱。Ingham resented anyone trying to usurp his authority.英厄姆憎恨任何企图篡夺他权力的人。The family were in government for several generations and evidently loved the trappings of power.那个家族好几代人都曾在政府任职,他们显然喜爱权力所带来的一切。She has a lot of power, but likes to remain in the background.她的权力很大,但是喜欢隐身幕后。The power to regulate commerce could not be qualified.管制商业的权力不能削弱。His political enemies have tried to limit his power.他的政敌们试图限制他的权力The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power.总统对国会作出让步,以求结束这场旷日持久的权力争斗。Tony Blair last night tightened his grip on Labour mps with new powers to root out troublemakers.昨晚,托尼·布莱尔利用新赋予的权力铲除了制造事端者,加强了对工党议员的控制。He won the election so convincingly that he believed he had been given a mandate for change/reform.他在竞选中大获全胜,因此他认为自己被授予了改革的权力The greed for power of local politicians is simply amazing.本地的政客对权力的贪婪简直令人惊讶。This had weakened his hold on power.此举削弱了他手中的权力He was given dictatorial powers.他被赋予了独裁的权力The town council voted for an abridgement of the mayor's power.市议会投票赞成限制市长的权力The former dictator still keeps a tight grip on power.前任独裁者仍紧紧抓住权力不放。The feeling of power gave me such a rush.权力的感觉让我如此兴奋。She had challenged my authority once too often.她多次挑战我的权力He must recognize by now that he will be a one-term, increasingly lame duck president.到目前为止他得认识到,自己将是一位只有一届任期、权力越来越小的跛脚鸭总统。He appears determined to cling to power.看来他决心要抓住权力不放。He is using his wealth and power to settle old scores.他凭借自己的财富和权力来算旧账。Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.反叛分子没有发动彻底的政变,而是想一点一点地削弱她的权力The country's present constitution gives supreme authority to the presidency.现行宪法赋予总统至高无上的权力




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