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词汇 outward
例句 In spite of my outward calm, I was very shaken.我虽然表面镇定,内心却很震惊。He was a far more complicated man than outward appearances suggested. 他比留给别人的表面印象要复杂得多。In outward appearance the two types of tomato are similar.这两种西红柿外观上很相似。The symptoms are the outward and visible signs of the disease.这些症状是这种疾病的外现。In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.我外表看似镇定,实则吓得不轻。She was waiting for some outward expression of his love.她等待着他向自己表达爱意。There were outward changes, but the city remained essentially the same.那座城市外表上有些变化,但实质上还是老样子。A stellar wind streams outward from the star.从那颗恒星上不断吹出恒星风。We met him on our outward passage.我们在前往外地的航行途中碰到了他。Everyone noticed her outward calm at the funeral.大家都注意到在葬礼上她表面上很平静。The window faces outward toward the street.窗户朝外临街。He has great outward beauty, but is he beautiful on the inside? 他有着外在的美,但他的内心美吗?Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。At the port she managed to get a passage on an outward-bound ship.在港口,她设法弄到一张船票登上了一艘离港客轮。Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury.马克不省人事地躺着,但看不出任何受伤的痕迹。They showed no outward signs of fear, but they must have been afraid.他们表面毫无惧色,但其实一定很害怕。Carol hid her disappointment under an outward cheerfulness.卡罗尔表面上装出很高兴的样子来掩饰自己的失望。His outward manner remained composed.看得出他的举止仍是镇定自若。The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。The windows open outward.窗户朝外开。Despite his outward display of friendliness, I sensed he was concealing something.尽管他表现得友善,我还是感觉到他有所隐瞒。What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order.军事统治者所做的只是为了恢复表面上的秩序。Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.利率上升是政府改变经济调控态度的外在表现。Despite her outward calm, she was extremely nervous about the interview.虽然表面上镇静,但她对这次面试感到十分紧张。We met on the outward journey.我们在外出旅行时相遇了。People who sense that they are inferior have to compensate, and often over-compensate by way of outward achievement.觉得自卑的人只有通过外在的成就来弥补自己的不足,但往往都做过了头。If the men resigned, they had to pay their outward passages.如果这些男人辞职,他们必须支付他们外出航程的费用。The whole apparatus is capable of bilging outward in the movement of respiration.整个装置在作呼吸动作时能向外鼓起。Her outward friendliness was only a disguise for her hate.她表面上装作友好仅仅是为了掩饰她的仇恨。She gave an outward appearance of quiet confidence.她表现出一副沉着自信的样子。As the island subsided, the reef grew upward and outward.小岛下沉,暗礁开始向上方和四周延伸。The country has become more outward looking in its economic policies.这个国家在经济政策方面变得更为开放了。The city stretches outward for many miles.城区向外延伸数英里。He made a slight outward movement with his right hand.他用右手轻轻向外移动了一下。They look the same in outward view.他们外表看起来一样。To/By/From all outward appearances, their marriage was quite normal.从表面上看,他们的婚姻十分正常。Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立。Tickets must be bought in advance, with outward and return journey dates specified.在出发和返程的日期定下来后,必须提前买票。The outward migration of people from the city has hurt the city's economy greatly.城市人口外流使该市经济受到很大损害。He had no outward signs of the illness.他没有该病的明显征兆。




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