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词汇 backbone
例句 Stuart doesn't have the backbone to be a good manager.斯图尔特不具备一个优秀管理人员应有的毅力。They wouldn't have the backbone to disagree with him.他们不会有勇气与他争执。She is the backbone of the family.她是这个家里的顶梁柱。Such men are the backbone of the country.这样的人是国家的栋梁。Ordinary volunteers form the backbone of most charitable organizations.普通志愿者组成大多数慈善机构的骨干。Agriculture was the backbone of the economy.从前农业是经济支柱。Petty officers are the backbone of a navy.军士是海军的骨干。I have never met a boy with so little backbone.我从未见过这样缺乏毅力的男孩。He showed some backbone by refusing to compromise his values.他有点骨气,不肯放弃自己的价值观。The small business people of Britain are the economic backbone of the nation.小企业经营者是英国的经济支柱。Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.农业曾是这个国家的经济支柱。He doesn't have the backbone to do it.他没有勇气做这件事。He's the backbone of the organization.他是这个组织的骨干。These books form the backbone of his collection.这些书籍在他的收藏中占有极其重要的分量。Scientific research is the backbone of modern industrial development.科研是现代工业发展的基础。Farming is the backbone of the country's economy.农业是这个国家的经济支柱。The irregularity in my backbone is probably congenital.我的脊椎畸形很有可能是先天的。Farmers are the backbone of this community.农场主是这个社区的支柱。You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.你也许要采取极端的措施,你必须有勇气那么做。When we come down to brass tacks he hasn't enough backbone.我们讨论到实质问题时,他就不那么坚毅了。He is honest to the backbone.他是绝对诚实的。He has no backbone.他没骨气。Standing up to bullies takes plenty of backbone.勇敢地对付暴徒需有大无畏精神。




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