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Each of these cells have their specific jobs to do, but they also interrelate with each other.这些细胞都有各自的具体分工,但它们也相互联系。Unemployment and inflation are interrelated.失业与通货膨胀是相互联系的。In Freud's theory, the two areas of sexuality and violence are interconnected.按照弗洛伊德的理论,性和暴力这两个方面是相互联系的。The two issues are not separate but interconnected.这两件事不是孤立的,而是相互联系的。Try to interrelate ideas and information within and across subject matter areas.力求将主题内及跨主题的想法和信息相互联系起来。Capitalist social formations reflect the interaction, or articulation, of different modes of production.资本主义社会结构反映了不同形式的生产方式之间的互动,或者说相互联系。 |