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词汇 babysitting
例句 I was just going round to see Lindsey about babysitting.我刚要去琳赛家谈照看孩子的事情。I somehow got shanghaied into babysitting for my sister's kids.我莫名其妙地被迫临时照看姐姐的几个孩子。If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.做临时保姆时,一定要有孩子家长的联系电话。The hotel is very child-friendly and offers a babysitting service.这所亲子型的旅馆提供儿童看护服务。Would you like me to do any babysitting?您需要我帮忙照看孩子吗?We share the babysitting duties on a rota basis.我们轮流照看小孩。She is developing a nice little sideline in babysitting for friends.她帮朋友照看孩子,慢慢成了个不错的小副业。Ask Alex and Joan next time you're babysitting.下次代他们看孩子时问问亚历克斯和琼。She had a babysitting job to earn pin money.她做临时保姆挣点零用钱。She had been babysitting him and his four-year-old sister.她一直在照看他和他四岁的妹妹。They trade off babysitting each other's kids.他们轮流照看彼此的孩子。




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