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词汇 orthodoxy
例句 These ideas became the new orthodoxy.这些想法变成了新的正统观念。She is a strict defender of Catholic orthodoxy.她是正统天主教的绝对捍卫者。What was once a novel approach had become orthodoxy.一度很新奇的做法如今已被广为接受。The current orthodoxy is child-centred, not teacher-centred, learning.当前公认的学习方法是以孩子为中心,而不是以教师为中心。His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.教区牧师开始对他信教的虔诚度产生了深深的怀疑。As pope he won wide support for his strict orthodoxy.作为教皇他严守正统教义,赢得了广泛的支持。He challenged the political orthodoxy of his time.他对同时代的正统政治观念提出了挑战。The current economic orthodoxy is of a free market and unregulated trade.当前的正统经济观念主张自由市场和无约束贸易。I was surprised by the orthodoxy of her political views.我对她正统的政见感到吃惊。There is conflict between Nat's religious orthodoxy and Rube's belief that his mission is to make money.纳特的正统宗教信仰和鲁布金钱至上的人生信条存在冲突。These ideas have now become part of educational orthodoxy.这些观点如今已成了教育界普遍接受的观点。These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.这些观点迅速成为语言学中新的正统观念。




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