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词汇 origins
例句 She feels a profound ambivalence about her origins.她对自己的出身深感矛盾。Miller questioned her closely, about her present job, her family and her origins.米勒详细地询问了她现在的职业、家庭状况和出身背景。He acknowledged that Mr Taylor's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances.他承认在这种情况下泰勒先生的肤色和种族出身完全无关紧要。The book traces centuries of debate over the origins of language.这本书追溯了几个世纪以来关于语言起源的争论。Other cultures’ beliefs about the origins of disease often differ from our own.其他文化对于疾病起因的看法往往和我们的文化不一样。It has its origins much further back in time.从时间上讲,它的起源要早得多。She tries to hide her upper-class origins, but her accent gives her away.她想掩盖其上层阶级的出身,但她的口音却露了馅。Astronomers hope new instruments will give them further clues to the origins of the universe.天文学家希望新的仪器会为他们提供更多有关宇宙起源的线索。The disorder in military policy had its origins in Truman's first term.军事政策的混乱源于杜鲁门的第一届任期。Many of our attitudes to the issue of race have their origins in the colonialism of days gone by.我们对种族问题的态度主要起源于过去的殖民主义。Today's ceremony is a modern version of a tradition which has its origins in medieval times.今天的仪式是一种源于中世纪的传统的现代版本。The book raises many questions about our biological origins.这本书提出了许多有关生物起源的问题。He is now very rich but his allegiance to his working-class origins is still strong.他现在很富有,但他对自己的工人阶级出身依然很忠贞。We shouldn't forget our animal origins.我们不应忘记自己是由动物进化而来的。He was of humble origins.他出身卑微。The precise details of the origins of life remain hidden.关于生命起源的确切详情仍旧是一个谜。The origins of language are lost in the mists of time.语言的起源由于年代久远而无法考证。Thomas has not forgotten his humble origins.托马斯没有忘记自己卑微的出身。The development had its immediate origins in discussions with management.这一进展直接源于同管理部门的讨论。The origins of these cultures are more or less obvious.这些文化的起源或多或少是显而易见的。The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history.关于宇宙起源的争论贯穿于整个有文字记载的历史。He used to make fun of what he called her "plebeian origins".他过去常拿她所谓的“平民出身”来开玩笑。He comes from humble origins. 他是平民出身。Her accent betrayed her working-class origins.她的口音暴露了她工薪阶层的出身。This scholar charted the origins, legends and history of the movement.这位学者详细描述了运动的起源、传说和历史。Scientists believe they are close to finding out the truth about the origins of the universe.科学家相信他们快要揭开宇宙起源的真相了。Politicians love to talk about their humble origins because they think it will make them popular with voters.政治家总爱提及他们的卑微出身,因为他们认为这样可以让他们受选民欢迎。Her ethnic origins are French.她祖上是法国人。Modern medicine often has its origins in ancient ways of doing things.现代医学的许多做法都来源于古代。Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford were all men of humble origins and no inherited wealth.艾森豪威尔、尼克松和福特都出身卑微,没有财富可继承。His research unearthed new information about the origins of the HIV virus.他的研究发现了有关艾滋病病毒起源的新信息。This discovery is of particular interest to scientists studying the origins of the universe.这一发现让研究宇宙起源的科学家特别感兴趣。The origins of this custom are lost in the mists of time.这个习俗的起源湮没在时间的迷雾中。He rose from mean origins to high office.他从底层升到了要职。The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.这座古建筑的由来已经湮没在远古时代了。Their family can trace its origins back to the Norman Conquest.他们的家族可上溯至诺曼征服时期。The origins of this ancient ritual are lost in the mists of time.这个古老仪式的起源因年代久远而被人淡忘。I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.尽管我们出身、性别和年龄各不相同,但我们的所有经历却完全一致,这让我惊讶不已。The discovery will be of great interest to scientists studying the origins of the universe.研究宇宙起源的科学家对此发现将会很感兴趣。He had risen from humble origins through hard work.他出身卑微,通过努力工作才出人头地。




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