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词汇 orders
例句 The commander's orders must be obeyed at all times.任何时候都必须服从指挥官的命令。She was under doctor's orders not to return to work.她遵照医嘱没回去上班。He carried out her orders without a murmur.他毫无怨言地执行她的命令。As Simon was under orders to make haste, some days they covered thirty miles.由于西蒙接到命令要加快速度,有时他们一天会走上三十英里。The general gave orders to turn loose all the big guns.将军命令所有的大炮齐发。Army factions mutinied against orders from Beijing.军队派系反抗政府的命令。Shoppers can send in their orders by computer and pick up their goods later.购物者可以通过计算机把订单传来,稍后再提货。Use recorded delivery for large cheques or money orders.对于大额的支票和汇款单要使用挂号邮寄。The Navy radioed him orders to stop and wait.海军通过无线电命令他停止行动,就地待命。Sergeant Dean claims that he was acting on the orders of the police chief.迪安巡警声称他是按警察局长的命令行事。He was court-martialed for failure to obey orders.他因不服从命令而受到军事法庭的审判。Her calculation was out by several orders of magnitude.她的计算结果差了几个数量级。The colonel had given orders for the spy's execution.上校已下令处决间谍。The ship was to set sail at once, on the admiral's orders.根据舰队司令的命令,这艘船将立即起航。He is under orders to leave next week.他奉命下周动身。Take no orders except from me. 除我以外,不要听从任何人的命令。The soldiers are under strict orders to abide by the ceasefire.士兵接到严格指示要遵守停火协议。We have a huge backlog of orders to be filled.我们有一大堆要交货的订单。We've had a rush of orders.我们得到了一大批订单。He gave orders in a commanding voice.他用一种威严的口吻下达了命令。You'll be paid when you've carried out your instructions/orders/duties.你完成了指令/执行了命令/履行了职责后就会得到报酬。His orders were to black out after sunset.他的命令是日落后进行灯火管制。I thought this method was foolproof until four customer orders went missing.要不是有四张顾客订单遗失了,我还以为这个办法万无一失呢。We're trying to fill all the back orders.我们正努力将所有积压的订单交货。Export orders improved in the last month.上个月出口订单增加了。It was the police chief who had given orders to shoot.下令开枪的是警察局长。He was bellowing into the phone, giving orders to one of his employees.他冲着电话吼叫着给他的一名员工下达命令。The bar waiter was already overloaded with orders.客人的点单已经让酒吧侍者顾不过来。For foreign orders postage is extra.国外订单邮资另计。The men were acting on orders from British embassy officials.那些人是在奉英国大使馆官员的命令行事。For a nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers' homes.他们只象征性地收点费用就可以送货上门。Nick hollered for her to pick up her orders.尼克大声喊她来取餐。Members of the KGB service were only prepared to take orders from the President.克格勃成员只听命于总统。They have orders not to let anyone past.他们接到命令不允许任何人通过。We could hear the sergeant bellowing orders to his troops.我们可以听见中士正向他的士兵大声发布命令。The sailor was whipped for disobeying orders.这名水手因为不服从命令受到鞭打。The squad had orders to patrol the area.这个小队接到命令,要巡查这一地区。The ship's captain was a taciturn man who spoke only to give orders.这艘船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,只在发命令时才说话。He was/got dressed down for failing to follow orders.他因为没有听从命令被狠狠地训斥了一顿。They were under orders to shell the hospital and the town hall.他们奉命炮轰医院和市政厅。




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