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词汇 orderly
例句 He said it was a great occasion which he hoped would come off in an orderly way.他说这是一次重大活动,他希望活动能够井然有序地进行。Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows.他们的车一排排井然有序地停放着。We all lined up in orderly fashion.我们都井然有序地排起了队。Let's proceed in an orderly manner.让我们按部就班地进行下去。The organizers guided them in an orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。Please proceed in an orderly fashion to the promenade deck.请有序地走到散步甲板上去。Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.虽然选举之前有过暴力事件,但有报道称投票过程秩序井然,波澜不惊。Research tends to move along at a slow but orderly pace.研究虽进展缓慢,但井然有序。Slovo said it was a great occasion which he hoped would come off in an orderly and peaceful way.斯洛沃说这是一次重大的活动,他希望活动能够井然有序,不出乱子。Please leave the building in an orderly fashion.请大家有秩序地离开大楼。He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough.他听到诺拉正在破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。They lived an orderly life occasionally speckled with happiness.他们过着一种有规律的生活,偶尔也有一些欢乐时刻。She sorted the information into orderly categories.她把信息有序分类。He gave an orderly answer to the teacher's question.他条理分明地回答了老师的问题。Try to keep your desk neat and orderly. 努力保持书桌整洁。It's a beautiful, clean and orderly city.这是一座美丽清洁、秩序井然的城市。Laws are key to maintaining an orderly society.法律是维护一个有秩序的社会的关键因素。The headstones were all erect and orderly.墓碑整整齐齐地竖立着。We started the meeting in an orderly fashion.我们按部就班地开始了会议。Voting was conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.投票在平静而有序地进行。The queues were orderly and well drilled.队伍整整齐齐,训练有素。The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。He's orderly in his affairs and doesn't like talking much.他做事中规中矩,不爱说话。It's a beautiful, clean, and orderly city.这是一座美丽清洁、秩序井然的城市。In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.尽管有偶发的暴力事件,投票大体上是有序的。They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.他们庄重而有序地在教堂外面等候。Outside the theater, an orderly line of people waited to buy tickets.剧院外,人们有秩序地排队买票。Please form an orderly queue.请排成整齐的一队。Despite the violence that preceded the elections, polling was orderly and peaceful.尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,投票进程仍然是和平有序的。The officers and crew prepared to abandon ship in an orderly fashion.全体船员秩序井然地准备弃船。The tools were arranged in orderly rows.工具被整齐地摆成几排。Police said it was an orderly demonstration and there were no arrests.警方说这是一次有秩序的示威游行,所以没有逮捕任何人。Please leave the building in a calm and orderly manner.请有序撤离大楼,不要慌张。The crowd were orderly and in good spirits.人群秩序井然,兴致勃勃。She needs to organize her ideas in a more orderly way.她需要把自己的想法组织得更有条理些。The crowd left the square in an orderly way.群众井然有序地离开了广场。The anchorman's questions did not flummox him at all. He gave answers in an orderly fashion.节目主持人的问题一点都没有让他狼狈失措,他答得井井有条。The army's retreat was orderly.军队的撤退井然有序。We want to bring about this change in an orderly fashion.我们想按部就班地进行改革。The troops embarked in an orderly fashion.部队井然有序地登船。




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