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词汇 ordained
例句 There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.这里的人们坚决支持由联邦首都布拉格下令进行的强有力的经济改革。He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest.他被任命为罗马天主教神父。Destiny has ordained that they are who they are.命运已经决定了他们的性格为人。America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.美国人心中上帝赋予了他们独一无二的品质的信念开始逐渐丧失。The emperor ordained that all foreigners be expelled.皇帝下令将所有外国人驱逐出境。The process was ordained by law.这项程序由法律规定。It's futile to try to avoid what destiny has ordained.想要逃避宿命是徒劳的。The law was divinely ordained.律法神定。His rule was ordained by heaven.他的统治乃是天命。He was ordained a pastor in the Lutheran Church.他被按立为路德会牧师。He had been ordained as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Church.他被任命为天主教的助祭。He ordained that the restrictions were to be lifted.他命令取消限制。His death was ordained by fate.他的死是命里注定的。The King ordained that deer should not be hunted without a royal licence.国王下令,没有王室颁发的许可证不许猎鹿。The church voted to allow women to be ordained as priests.教会投票同意授予妇女圣职。She was ordained the first woman priest of her church.她被委任为她教会的第一位女牧师。He was ordained minister of a small rural congregation.他被委任为一个乡村小教区的牧师。Women have been ordained for many years in the Church of Scotland.苏格兰长老会多年前就已开始任命女性担任圣职。He ordained his own priests, and threatened to ordain bishops.他自行任命了牧师,还扬言要任命主教。She is an ordained minister.她是位受命牧师。




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