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词汇 options
例句 The company offers health insurance, paid vacation, and other goodies like stock options.这家公司提供医疗保险、带薪休假及诸如优先认购权等其他福利。We're still studying a myriad of options.我们仍在研究各种选择方案。Essentially, the West has only two options.基本上,西方只有两种选择。A whole myriad of options exists for us.我们有无数多的选择。There are plenty of options for vegetarians on our menu.我们菜单上有许多可供素食者选择的菜肴。When the options are unemployment or a boring job, having babies can seem like the only means of self-fulfilment.如果只能在失业或枯燥的工作中进行选择,那么生孩子似乎是达到自我满足的唯一途径。We are faced with two unpleasant options.我们面对两个令人不快的选择。A menu showing the options will appear on the computer screen.电脑屏幕上将出现一个显示选项的菜单。Some advanced options are also available, including scaling, multi-page layouts.另外,还有一个高级的选项,包括缩放比例,多页布局。Pupils will need careful guidance on their choice of options.小学生在作出选择时需要悉心指导。We were allowed to choose between two/several options.我们可以从两个/多个选项中进行选择。Several options are offered for the student's senior year.为毕业班学生开设了几门选修课。We are limited to fewer options by our lack of money.由于缺乏资金,我们的选择较少。He paused enough to consider the options but never so long as to lose the initiative.他停顿了一会儿权衡自己有哪些选项,但并没有久到丧失主动权。I read about the various options so that I could make an informed choice.为了做出明智的抉择,我把各种选择都看过了。Students can choose from a wide range of options.学生可以在众多的选修课中进行选择。Chef Nigel Crowther will expand the menu to include several vegetarian options.主厨奈杰尔・克劳瑟将扩充菜单,增加几个素食选项。All options are on the table.所有可供选择的方案都会提交讨论。Before undergoing surgery, patients should discuss the various options with their doctor.动手术前病人应该与医生讨论一下各种选择方案。We need a more detailed comparison of the available options.我们需要对现有的几个选项做更详细的对比。Before you reinvest, consider your options carefully.再次投资前,要慎重考虑你的可选方案。I haven't decided to take the job yet. I'm keeping my options open.我还没决定接受那份工作,还在考虑之中。Our lack of money limits us to fewer options.缺乏资金让我们没有太多的选择。These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit.这些选择实际上只会造成经济形势更加恶化,赤字愈见增加。We are left with a relatively narrow range of options.我们只余下相对有限的选择范围。We're looking carefully at all the options.我们在认真考虑所有可选择的办法。We considered our options, and this car was the natural choice. 我们各种选择都考虑过了,这辆车是最合适的选择。The president talked through all the military options.总统详述了所有可能采取的军事手段。He took time to weigh his options.他花时间权衡自己的选择。I'd decided to be cautious, leaving all options open.我决定采取谨慎态度,对所有可供选择的可能暂不作决定。I'm keeping all my options open for the moment.目前我暂时不作任何决定。A grammatical choice is drawn from a closed set of options.语法选择是在有限的范围内进行的。We have a wide range of options available to us.供我们选择的范围很广。Discussion of a client's tax affairs will lead naturally into consideration of investment options.讨论客户的税务情况自然会引向对投资选择的考虑。Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.国会有责任确保只有在所有和平手段都不奏效的情况下才会诉诸战争。I ran through the options with him.我把所有的选择都跟他过了一遍。Because of our lack of money, we have to limit ourselves to fewer options.由于资金缺乏,我们只好缩小选择范围。There are a number of different options to choose from.有几个不同的选择。We need to evaluate our options.我们要估量一下我们的几种选择。Let's run over your options again.咱们再看一下你的选择。




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